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We owe a place in the temple that commemorates human emancipation, to every man who has kindled in his generation a brighter flame of moral enthusiasm, and a more eager care for the realisation of good and virtuous ideals.

It seems to me now to have been rather a phase of realisation and clarification.

In the light of subsequent events, all the world acknowledges that we were and are fighting for our own households; but it is a glorious certainty that scarcely a Britisher who died in those early days had the least realisation of the fact. It was the chivalrous vision of a generous Crusade that led our chaps from their firesides to the trampled horror that is Flanders.

The thoughts of God attain realisation in the world of things which change and pass, through the infusion of themselves in, or the superimposing of themselves upon, that which is Nothing apart from them, the mere negation of what is, and yet necessary as the 'Other' or correlative of what is.

He had risen again quivering, full of anger and fear that human wretchedness and baseness might prevent the realisation of his dream. And amidst the heavy silence which fell in the room, the little house suddenly resounded with a regular, continuous footfall. "Ah, yes! to save men and love them, and wish them all to be equal and free," murmured Pierre, bitterly. "But just listen!

Its vessels might be employed, but could not be conveniently used for any other purpose. The idea which leads to intercourse with spiritual Beings is not interchangeable with that which finds its realisation in rest and pleasure." Priestcraft. From the ceremonial of ancestor worship the thin end of the wedge of priestcraft was rigorously excluded.

She felt sick with the realisation of what could result to Gaston from her action. She had had no personal feeling with regard to him. On the contrary, she liked him she had not thought of him, the man, when she had stampeded his horse and left him on foot so far from camp. She had looked upon him only as a jailer, his master's deputy.

A calm and critical review of our development inspires a conviction that a few centuries will bring about the realisation of the highest dream that ever haunted the mind of the prophet. What splendours lie beyond that, the most soaring imagination cannot have the dimmest perception. And the last word must meet an anxiety that arises out of this very confidence. Darwin was right.

The vital impulse consists in a "demand for creation"; life in its humblest stage already constitutes a spiritual activity; and its effort sends out a current of ascending realisation which again determines the counter-current of matter. Thus all reality is contained in a double movement of ascent and descent.

Not in dreams is it seen; it is permanent, it surrounds us on all sides." Froebel believed that contact with nature helps a child's realisation of God, and any one who believes in early religious experience must agree; a child's early questions and difficulties, as well as his early awe and fear show it he is probably nearer to God in his nature work than in many of the daily Scripture lessons.