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This explanation was so near the truth that Trieve accepted it, probably with mental reservations. "You had better send for Mrs. Puttick," he replied coldly. The Caterpillar was despatched for the matron; but before that worthy woman panted upstairs, Scaife had been carried to his own room, hastily undressed and put into bed, where he lay breathing stertorously.

The editors of the last edition would have given any money for it, had it been known to have existed.” After fruitless endeavoursto find for it a resting place in some public or private library in America, and subsequently in the British Museum,” Mr. Stevens sent it to Puttick & Simpson’s Auction Rooms, where it was knocked down to Sir Henry Phillipps for £44.

"Perhaps I'd better fetch a drop of brandy," said Mrs. Puttick, staring anxiously at Scaife. "He looks very bad." "Yes, please do, Mrs. Puttick." She bustled away. "Now we must bring him to," said the Fifth Form.

In the beginning of the year 1760, Reynolds moved into the house on the west side of Leicester Square which he occupied for the rest of his life. It is now tenanted by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, the Auctioneers. Northcote has usefully recorded the following details his studio. His painting-room was of an octagonal form, about twenty feet long and about sixteen in breath.

Accordingly, the matron was urged to try her ministering hand first, amid the chaff, which, even in emergencies, slips so easily out of boys' mouths. "Mrs. Puttick, you're better than any doctor Scaife is all right, really. We knew that he was subject to fits Rather! Some one was telling me that one of his aunts died in a fit.

The boy must be propped up and the blood drawn from his head by applying hot water to his feet." The Fifth exchanged glances. Why had this not occurred to them? What a fool Mrs. Puttick was! "A rush of blood to the head!" Rutford like to hold forth, and he had been told that he was a capital after-dinner speaker.

"We'll souse the brandy all over him," said the Caterpillar; "and then no one can guess." "How about burnt feathers?" suggested Lovell. He had seen a fainting housemaid treated with this family restorative. Mrs. Puttick appeared with the brandy, which Lovell administered externally. Still, Scaife remained unconscious.

Shut up, you silly fool," this in a whisper, emphasized by a kick; "do you want to send her out of this with a hornets' nest tied to her back hair? That's a lie, Mrs. Puttick. He's humbugging you. Scaife told me that his fits were nothing. Yes; he had a slight sunstroke when he was a kid, you know, and the least bit of excitement affects him."

Puttick and Simpson commenced on Thursday a nine days' Sale of the "Curious, rare, and valuable Library of a well-known Collector, deceased;" also another Collection, including Among the Lots deserving attention in the course of the coming week, are Nos. 1323 to 1375, a large collection of publications relative to America; Nos. 1612 to 1620, relating to Canada. Decada 1, 2.

"I was just outside the door," said John. "We'll put him into the sick-room, Mr. Rutford. And in a day or two he'll be himself again." "Are you sure that what I er feared er ?" The doctor frowned. "The boy has had brandy, of course." "Mrs. Puttick and Lovell gave him plenty of that," John interpolated. "I believe you can exonerate the boy entirely," said the doctor.