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Sarah Purfoy stood motionless for an instant, in deadly terror. Her lips parted, her eyes glittered, and she made a movement as though to retrace her steps. "Poor soul!" thought honest Blunt, "how she feels for the child! D that lubberly surgeon, he's hurt her! Never mind, my lass," he said aloud. It was broad daylight, and he had not as much courage in love-making as at night. "Don't be afraid.

This he thought to do by writing to Blick, but when informed by Meekin of the fate of his letter, he adopted the to him less pleasant alternative of procuring it through Sarah Purfoy.

If I drop my handkerchief, get to work at the time agreed on. The sentry will be safe." Rufus Dawes, though his eyelids would scarcely keep open, and a terrible lassitude almost paralysed his limbs, eagerly drank in the whispered sentence. There was a conspiracy to seize the ship. Sarah Purfoy was in league with the convicts was herself the wife or mistress of one of them.

Having made a success, wrung commission from Blicks, rooked a gambling ninny like Lemoine, or secured an assortment of jewellery sent down to his "wife" in Gloucestershire, he would disappear for a time. He liked comfort, and revelled in the sense of security and respectability. Thus he had lived for three years when he met Sarah Purfoy, and thus he proposed to live for many more.

In front of the little group lay the corpse of the miserable boy whom Sarah Purfoy had led to ruin; and forced close upon, yet shrinking back from the trampled and bloody mass, crouched in mingled terror and rage, the twenty mutineers.

"Gentleman seems to have had a stroke," said a boatman. It was so. There was no fear that John Rex would escape again from the woman he had deceived. The infernal genius of Sarah Purfoy had saved her lover at last but saved him only that she might nurse him till he died died ignorant even of her tenderness, a mere animal, lacking the intellect he had in his selfish wickedness abused.

Miles grinned from ear to ear. "Indeed you be," said he. Sarah Purfoy frowned, and then smiled. "Come here, Miles; I've got something for you." Miles came forward, grinning harder. The girl produced a small object from the pocket of her dress. If Mrs. Vickers had seen it she would probably have been angry, for it was nothing less than the captain's brandy-flask. "Drink," said she.

Sarah had kept faith with him so far. She had entered upon a new and more reputable life, and why should he seek to imagine evil where perhaps no evil was? Blunt was evidently honest. Women like Sarah Purfoy often emerged into a condition of comparative riches and domestic virtue.

"By the Lord Harry, but it's a ticklish game to play," he said to himself, with a lively recollection of the dreaded Frere's vehemence; "and there's only one woman in the world I'd be fool enough to play it for." Maurice Frere, oppressed with suspicions, ordered his horse that afternoon, and rode down to see the cottage which the owner of "Purfoy Stores" had purchased.

As the second prisoner took the oar of Frere's boat, he uttered a groan and fell forward, recovering himself instantly. Sarah Purfoy, leaning over the side, saw the occurrence. "What is the matter with that man?" she said. "Is he ill?" Pine was next to her, and looked out instantly. "It's that big fellow in No. 10," he cried. "Here, Frere!" But Frere heard him not.