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They could not agree as to any fundamental point of religious doctrine or discipline. According to a census made in 1876, they numbered only one hundred and thirty-six, in a population of twenty-five thousand Catholics, at the city of Bonn, which M. Reinkens had selected as the seat and centre of his episcopal ministrations. Meanwhile, there was a considerable reaction in prevaricating Bavaria.

Churchley found her: not confused, not stammering nor prevaricating, only a little amazed at her own courage, conscious of the immense responsibility of her step and wonderfully older than her years. Her hostess sounded her at first with suspicious eyes, but eventually, to Adela's surprise, burst into tears.

"Of course it's true, mother," said the lad proudly. "Did I ever tell you a lie?" "Never, my boy," said Lady Gowan firmly. "It has been my proud boast to myself that I could trust my son in everything." "Then why did you ask me in that doubting way if it was true?" "Because my son is prevaricating with me, and speaking in a strange, evasive way. He never spoke to me like that before.

For other people, they would urge the reasonable question, how else came Roger by the cash? and getting no answer, or worse than none a prevaricating, mystifying mere put-off they had hardly an alternative in common exercise of judgment: therefore, "Shame on her," said the neighbours, "and the bitterest shame on him:" and the gaffers and grand-dames shook their heads virtuously.

He wrote, in three small volumes, a history of the United States, which is a most intelligent abstract of what he had learnt in Bancroft and Hildreth. He wrote with the utmost lucidity and definiteness, and never darkened counsel with prevaricating eloquence, so that there is no man from whom it is so easy and so agreeable to learn.

But she was not sure that her mother had a right to know her thoughts, feeling as she did that she had so little sympathy from her mother. 'How do you intend to answer him? demanded Lady Carbury. 'I do not know that he will ask again. 'That is prevaricating. 'No, mamma; I do not prevaricate. It is unfair to say that to me. I do love him. There.

In such a caballing, prevaricating age, it is difficult to know which of all the plotters and counterplotters engaged in these intrigues could accomplish the greatest amount of what for the sake of diluting in nine syllables that which could be more forcibly expressed in one was then called diplomatic dissimulation.

He had preached from these words, he had warned his hearers, with the whole strength of the fanatical sincerity that was in him, to beware of prevaricating with the prohibition which that verse contained, and to accept it as literally, unreservedly, finally forbidding the marriage of a divorced woman.

In such a caballing, prevaricating age, it is difficult to know which of all the plotters and counterplotters engaged in these intrigues could accomplish the greatest amount of what for the sake of diluting in nine syllables that which could be more forcibly expressed in one was then called diplomatic dissimulation.

He hated Venus odious woman! and no wonder. She to claim the rank of a goddess! Besides, Gwen suspected that Adrian was only prevaricating. Trothplight was one thing, official betrothal another. It was almost too poor a shuffle to accuse him of, but she was always flying at the throat of equivocation, even when she knew she might be outclassed by it. "You are playing with words, Mr.