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It was to be the most leisurely of progresses, now on a swift river at the tail of a steam-boat, now waiting horses for days together on some inconsiderable junction. We should be seen pottering on deck in all the dignity of years, our white beards falling into our laps.

No, I don't mind for myself, fond as I am of loafing, sort of pottering round where the streets are in the hands of a pure police; for I've seen more, done more, thought more, up here, than in all my life before; and I've felt a country heaving under the touch of one of God's men it gives you minutes that lift you out of the dust and away from the crawlers.

And whenever he saw the upper sails of some vessel beginning to show, far away, over the waters of Massachusetts Bay, he would hurry off to his sloop, that always lay ready at the wharf, just below; and he would tell the man who was pottering about on the sloop, and who was named Joe, that there was a vessel coming up and that he had better stir his stumps.

I haven't got any more work for you to do. Come up and see me at the office presently. "So I'll go up and get my money; but I'll be pottering round as usual on Monday, and come up to the kitchen for my breakfast. Some time in the day the boss'll be knocking round and see me. "'Why, Mitchell, he'll say, 'I thought you was gone. "'I didn't say I was going, I'll say.

Magda had found another situation by November; her place in the gospodarstwo soon grew cold, no one thought or talked of her, and only the gospodyni asked herself sometimes: 'Were there really a Stasiek in this room once and a Magda pottering about, and three cows in the shed? Meanwhile the thieving increased.

"We are plain Yiddish folk," he generalized, good-humoredly A few minutes later, as Mrs. Margolis placed a glass of Russian tea before me, he drew her to him and pinched her white cheek "What do you think of my wifey, Levinsky?" She smiled a grave, deprecating smile and took to pottering about the house "And what do you think of these little customers?" he went on.

I'd much rather sweep a room myself than see a Shiksah pottering about for an hour and end by leaving all the dust on the window-ledges and the corners of the mantelpiece. As for beds, I don't believe Shiksahs ever shake them! If I had my way I'd wring all their necks." "What's the use of always complaining?" said Hannah, impatiently. "You know we must keep a Shiksah to attend to the Shabbos fire.

At this point the Earl of Emsworth, having done all the pottering possible in the restricted area, yawned like an alligator. "Now, my dear Baxter " he began querulously. Baxter was not listening. He was on the trail. He had caught sight of a small closet in the wall, next to the mantelpiece, and it had stimulated him. "What is in this closet?" "That closet, sir?" "Yes, this closet."

The travellers had been at sea a week, pottering along on the surface during the day, and rising some three hundred feet into the air at night just high enough, in fact, to take them over and clear of the masts of any ships that they might happen to encounter during the hours of darkness maintaining a tolerably uniform speed of ten knots through the air not counting the acceleration or retardation of speed due to the varying direction and strength of the several winds that they met with.

Harrigan, in the meantime, had waited for the return of McTee, and when the latter did not come, the Irishman lingered on the bridge for an hour or more, pottering about with his brush in a pretense of finishing up a perfect job. His attention was drawn then by a gathering crowd and bustle in the waist of the ship between the wheelhouse and the forecastle.