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Updated: August 27, 2024

"He has no such thing!" her father retorted. "John has Pott's Disease of the spine!" "Yes, I know he has," she replied. "And I'm sorry for him, poor lad. But in the last year," she added, "certain complications have come. And now he's tubercular as well." "How do you know? He doesn't cough his lungs are sound as yours or mine!" "No, it's " Edith pursed her lips. "It's different," she said softly.

Pott's features assumed so much additional grandeur at the recollection of the power and research displayed in the learned effusions in question, that some minutes elapsed before Mr. Pickwick felt emboldened to renew the conversation; at length, as the editor's countenance gradually relaxed into its customary expression of moral supremacy, he ventured to resume the discourse by asking

Pott's house, and to devote his time to the companionship of his amiable lady. Nor was the occasional society of Mr. Pott himself wanting to complete their felicity. Deeply immersed in the intensity of his speculations for the public weal and the destruction of the INDEPENDENT, it was not the habit of that great man to descend from his mental pinnacle to the humble level of ordinary minds.

Pott's gaze of stone, and in compliance with that gentleman's request, proceeded to make the most he could of the 'serpent. The most, however, was nothing at all; so, after a profound silence of some minutes' duration, he said, 'Serpent, Sir! Serpent, Mr. Pott! What can you mean, Sir? this is pleasantry.

Equally humorous and agreeable was the appearance of Mr. All this was pleasant, but this was as nothing compared with the shouting of the populace when the carriage drew up, behind Mr. Pott's chariot, which chariot itself drew up at Mr.

Pott's enthusiasm, to apply his whole time and attention to the proceedings, of which the last chapter affords a description compiled from his own memoranda. Nor while he was thus occupied was Mr. Winkle idle, his whole time being devoted to pleasant walks and short country excursions with Mrs.

He slipped from a high kerb and broke one of the bones of the left ankle somebody's fracture " "Pott's?" "Yes, that was the name Pott's fracture; and he broke both his knee-caps as well. Sir Morgan Bennet had to perform an operation, or he would have been a cripple for life. As it was, he was about again in a few weeks, apparently none the worse excepting for a slight weakness of the left ankle."

"Well?" asked Roger when next they met. "Well," said Baird, "it isn't good news." "You mean he's hopeless?" Allan nodded: "It's Pott's disease, and it's gone too far. John is eighteen. He may live to be thirty." "But I tell you, Baird, I'll do anything!" "There's almost nothing you can do. If he had been taken when he was a baby, he might have been cured and given a chance.

For the moment he did not answer her at all, but sat facing the fire, and running his fat fingers through his uncombed hair. "Mrs. Smiley!" he said; "I remember when she was kitchen-maid at old Pott's." "She ain't nobody's kitchen-maid now," said Mrs. Moulder, almost prepared to be angry in the defence of her friend.

The sound of voices suddenly arrested Captain Pott's fork in mid-air, and the morsel of untasted salt-mackerel dangled uncertainly from the points of the dingy tines as he swung about to face the open door. Fork and mackerel fell to the floor as the seaman abruptly rose and stalked outside.

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