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Obsarving the same, I made bowld to remark that it would give me frind Jiff the highest plisure to do it for him, not forgetting to obsarve that I knew his company would be agreeable to the byes, and he will be of great hilp to the same." "Well, I'm blessed!" exclaimed the old miner, removing his hat and mopping his forehead with his big red handkerchief.

"Thravellin' for plisure, av coorse," insinuated the chief. "Yes; I wanted to take a run through the Continent," said Russell, in a grandiose way, as though the "Continent" was something belonging to him; "and I'm also bringing home with me a ward of mine Miss Westlotorn." "Ah! an' so the young lady is a ward av yours? I thought she was your daughter." "No, she's my ward." "Is she rich?"

"Bedad, sorr," said he to father in his raciest brogue, and with that suspicion of mirth which seemed always to hover about his left eye, "it wor quite a plisure, sure, to sarve him; for he's the foorst lad I iver came across as took so koindly to the thrade.

The afternoon was about half gone, when Tim with an expression of anxious concern announced that he had just remembered something which required him to go to Dawson without an hour's delay. "It's queer that I didn't think of the same while Jiff was here," he said, "so that he might have enj'yed the plisure of me society, but it won't be hard for me to find him after I git there.

But now tell me, have you any objection to breakfasting in the kitchen? more retired, you know, besides which you get everything hot and hot, which is what I call doing a bit of plisure." "Not at all," said the Yorkshireman, "so lead the way"; and down they walked to the lower regions.

"Ah," he whispered, at the same time gratefully squeezing her hand, "you're a first-rate divinity a tip-top goddess divil a thing else. Miss Joolia, may I presoome for to have the plisure and polite gallantry to help you off the car; 'pon honor it'll be quite grateful and prejudicial to my feelings it will, I assoore you!" "Bless me, whose is that wedding party, Mr.

"Fwhy it isn't whor sale, my lady," replied Phil, evading the former question; "the masther here, Gad bless him an' spare him to you, ma'am! thrath, an' it's his four quarthers that knew how to pick out a wife, any how, whor beauty an' all hanerable whormations o' grandheur so he did; an' well he desarves you, my lady: faix, it's a fine houseful o' thim you'll have, plase Gad an' fwhy not? whin it's all in the coorse o' Providence, bein' both so handsome: he gev me a pound note whor her my ladyship, an' his own plisure aftherwards; an' I'm now waitin' to be ped."

'Deed now if you couldn't be supposin' they were this way and that way, and argufyin' over them wid yourself in your own mind, 'twould be like as if you took and swallied down a lump of 'baccy instead of chewin' it, and what sort of benefit or plisure 'ud you git out of that?"

"That must be the raison they call the nixt plisure thramp White Horse Cañon, or White Horse Rapids." "Where are they?" "But a little way ahid; many men have been drowned in thrying to sail through the same; and him as doesn't know how to swim in a whirlpool hasn't ony business to thry it." "What, then, do you mean to do?" "Thry it," was the imperturbable response.

Brian, "it does one's heart good to see a bit of luck like that happenin' to a body." "Ay, does it," said Judy Ryan, "the crathur to be gettin' back her sight just in the right minyit of time to see her son comin' home to her. Sure now one might take a plisure in plannin' such a thing, if one had the managin' of them."