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"Placide de Mouret, Captain of Bienville's Guards, Province of Louisiana, may it please you, sire," I stammered out. "Attend me at the morning hour to-morrow," and he strutted away from the giggling crowd. I too would have turned off, had not my late antagonist proven himself a man at heart. He quickly moved toward me holding out his hand in reconciliation.

"The delusion is so strong," said Placide, "that I verily believe that if these twelve thousand were all dead to-day, twenty thousand more would be ready to come to-morrow. If every officer was buried here, the choicest commanders there would press forward over their graves.

Now Louis Placide surprises you in a rapids near Kettle Portage and brings you here." During the slow delivering of these accurately spaced words, the attitude of the men about the long, narrow table gradually changed. Their curiosity had been great before, but now their intellectual interest was awakened, for these were facts of which Louis Placide's statement had given no inkling.

You are reading a letter from the dead now, friend Placide." Steering stopped for a moment with a little shiver, but Bernique urged him on, and he read again "'Placide, in that letter to Madeira were my instructions to turn over the Canaan Tigmores to Bruce Steering, because, I being dead, the hills were due to pass on to my heir. Well, Placide, has Madeira done that?

Placide, who was foremost in every fight, was confident that the struggle was nearly over, and rode up to Le Zephyr occasionally with tidings which spread hope and joy among the household, and not only made his mother proud, but lightened her heart. He told, at length, that the French, not relishing the offensive war begun by Christophe, had blockaded his father in the Plateaux.

When Margot looked upon her sons, and upon Aimee, now so inseparable from Isaac, and considered that their remaining together depended not only on Monsieur Bayou's will, but on his life, she trembled lest the day should be at hand when Placide might be carried away northward, and Isaac eastward, and poor Aimee left desolate.

Whichever you do, I shall always equally love and cherish you." Margot looked upon her sons, as if awaiting from them life or death. Aimee's face was still hidden in her handkerchief. She had nothing to learn of her brother's inclinations. Isaac spoke before Placide could open his lips.

Perhaps, some day, who knows, it may yet come. You will lose not an hour in leaving Biloxi, and I have your word to engage in no encounter?" "Aye, sire, you have my word." "Good-by, Placide." I had dropped upon my knee, and, taking his hand, kissed it gently. He turned back into his room, shut the door, and left me alone in the hall.

Thus, through many strange perils and purifying sorrows came the abiding happiness which blessed these last two children of the "Black Wolf's Breed." I have included here the full text of the documents contained in the iron box, sent to Placide de Mouret by Colonel D'Ortez, just prior to his death.

To all Galen Albret listened in silence. Finally Louis Placide from the post at Kettle Portage got to his feet. He too reported of the trade, so many "beaver" of tobacco, of powder, of lead, of pork, of flour, of tea, given in exchange; so many mink, otter, beaver, ermine, marten, and fisher pelts taken in return.