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Updated: August 26, 2024

"What do you want?" she asked in French. "To get the guarantee for Gambetta, I've sold him," he said, in a tone which said more clearly than words, "I've no time for discussing things, and it would lead to nothing." "I'm not to blame in any way," he thought. "If she will punish herself, tant pis pour elle."

Enter Galatea, Erminia, Pisaro, Aminta. Gal. And hast thou found him? Ease my misery. Pis. I have, and done as you commanded me. I found him sitting by a Fountain side, Whose Tears had power to swell the little tide, Which from the Marble Statues breasts still flows: As silent and as numberless were those.

Ce qu'il y a de pis c'est le mécontentement général, et la pauvreté universelle. Cette malheureuse révolution et ces suites ont ruiné le pays, de fond en comble. Tout le monde est pauvre, et, ce qui est pis, leurs institutions empêchent qu'aucune famille devienne riche et puissante. Tous doivent donc nécessairement viser

"Diana, don't be an idiot! You'll go to sleep and fall into the garden and break your neck." "Tant pis pour moi. Tant mieux pour toi," she said flippantly. "I have left you all that I have in the world, dear brother. Could devotion go further?" She paid no heed to his exclamation of annoyance, and looked back into the garden.

Dress all your Looks, and be as gay As Virgins in the Month of May; Deck up that Face where Sorrow grows, And let your Smiles adorn your brows; Recal your wonted Sweetness home, And let your Eyes all Love become: For what the Gods have willed and said, Thou hast no power to evade. What they decree none can withstand, You must obey what they command. Enter Pisaro. Pis.

A saving sense of humour sent a laugh bubbling into her throat which nearly escaped. It was such a little thing, but she had magnified it so greatly. What, after all, did it amount to the awkwardness of a schoolgirl very properly ignored by a guardian who could not be other than bored with her society. Tant pis! She could at least try to be polite.

"What do you think of that poet, Mellot?" said he once, on returning from a pic-nic, during which Elsley had never noticed his wife; and, at last, finding Valencia engaged with Headley, had actually gone off, pour pis aller, to watch Lord Scoutbush fishing. "Oh, clever enough, and to spare; and as well read a man as I know.

It may, however, be suggested that in the original home of the Finns "le berceau de la race," as French ethnologists say stones could not easily be procured, and that the custom of feeding the dead was adopted as a pis aller. The decision of the question must be left to those who know where the original home of the Finns was.

Has he more Youth, more Strength, or Arms than I? Can he preserve himself i'th' heat of the Battle? Or can he singly fight a whole Brigade? Can he receive a thousand Wounds, and live? Fal. Can you or he do so? Alcan. I do not say I can; but tell me then, Where be the Virtues of this mighty Man, That he should brave it over all the rest? Pis.

Madam, I have so lately 'scap'd a scouring, That I wish you would take it for a mark Of my Passion to disobey you; For he is in a damn'd humour. Am. He's out of it by this, I warrant you; But do not tell him that Pisaro lives. Fal. Pis.

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