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"Ally, Ally," resounds from several voices, "don't you tell." "No, I s'ant but you are going to have a New 'Ear's pesant, and so is mamma, and you can't dess what it is." "Can't I?" "No, and I s'ant tell you." "Now, Ally," said papa, pretending to look aggrieved. "Well, it's going to be somefin worked." "Ally, be careful," said Emma.

That luminous indication which Flaubert gives of what the action of the scientific mind should be, affranchissant esprit et pesant les mondes, sans haine, sans peur, sans pitie, sans amour et sans Dieu, was opposed in every segment to the attitude of my Father, who, nevertheless, was a man of very high scientific attainment.

John and the rivers, of their several doings and the parish gossip; after the manner of men who, living far apart on the worst of roads, see one another but once a week. "The lake is solid yet," said Cleophas Pesant, "but the rivers are no longer safe. The ice went this week beside the sand-bank opposite the island, where there have been warm spring-holes all winter."

Cleophas Pesant, son of Thadee Pesant the blacksmith, was already in light-coloured summer garments, and sported an American coat with broad padded shoulders; though on this cold Sunday he had not ventured to discard his winter cap of black cloth with harelined ear-laps for the hard felt hat he would have preferred to wear.

Cleophas Pesant waited for Louisa Tremblay who was alone, and they went off together along the wooden sidewalk in the direction of the house. Others were satisfied to exchange jocular remarks with the young girls as they passed, in the easy and familiar fashion of the country,-natural enough too where the children have grown up together from infancy.

La bataille est merveillose e pesant, to quote the words of the Song of Roland, describing that other battle, between the Franks and the Moors, some sixty-five years later in the fatal pass of Roncesvalles; the Goths were overwhelmingly defeated, and Rodrigo disappeared in a most mysterious way, leaving his crown and sceptre upon the river bank.

But you know a phrase we have in French, 'l'air pesant'; I don't think there's anything in English for it; il avait l'air pesant, Cezanne, if you know what I mean. "I should work, I should not waste my time," the Count would say almost weepingly. "But it's no use, my things aren't here. And I'm getting old too; couldn't concentrate in this stinking hole of a place, you know."

"Regardez donc ses epaules," said one. "Ah, mon Dieu! Il me fait l'idee d'une grenouille aves ses jambes jaunes," cried another. "Il vaut son pesant de fromage pour une Vaudeville," said the director of the strolling theatre of the place. "I'll give seventy francs a week, 'd'appointment, and 'Scribe' shall write a piece express for himself, if he'll take it."

"Regardez donc ses epaules," said one. "Ah, mon Dieu! Il me fait l'idee d'une grenouille aves ses jambes jaunes," cried another. "Il vaut son pesant de fromage pour une Vaudeville," said the director of the strolling theatre of the place. "I'll give seventy francs a week, 'd'appointment, and 'Scribe' shall write a piece express for himself, if he'll take it."

Pendant une quinzaine, du 25 mai au 10 juin, j'ai pris a la mouche 82 truites pesant 42 livres. This was the sport to which he had particularly invited Miss Reeve in January, and which, he goes on to say, has given him the idea of going to Norway in August. As to this, he begs Reeve to make some inquiries for him, and concludes Veuillez me croire votre bien affectionne,