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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Perfusser, is dem dar penguins good ter eat?" asked Rastus, as he and his learned companion strode through the snow to the rookery. "They are highly esteemed as food," was the reply. "Former expeditions to the South Pole have eaten them and declare that their flesh is as good as chicken." "As good as chicking!" exclaimed Rastus, delightedly. "My, my, yo' make mah mouf watah.

By the admission of our own secret agents, it has hitherto been impossible to find how the arms, which the Chihuahua rebels are receiving, can reach them. It is obvious, however, that there must be some way in which they do, hence " "Waal, perfusser, hev it your own way," grunted Pete, rather red and angry. The professor's logic did indeed seem unassailable.

"I tell you, fellows," he went on, "it's no use of our racking our brains to-night over this. The best thing we can do is to set a watch. Then, if they come again, we can try a shot at them. If not, why then in the morning we'll make an investigation; eh?" "Durn good advice," grunted Coyote Pete. "Now, I'd suggest that ther perfusser takes ther fust watch, and "

"I tell you, perfusser, ther sooner you git them thar measurements a-measured, and we're hiking out of this neck of the woods, the better I'll be pleased. 'Tain't natural, all these queer goings on." "Maybe a coyote or something scared them," suggested Ralph. "And them used ter seeing 'em every day," scoffed Pete. "Guess again, son.

"Why, you know on the left side," rejoined Jack, with some surprise. "And the compass on the left wrist?" "Yes. Why? Isn't it " "No, it ain't!" roared Pete. "I see it all now, perfusser; that thar shootin' iron has bin deflectin' ther needle." "I fear so," rejoined the professor.

"But how in thunderation ?" began Pete, as they rode forward. "We'll tell you some other time," broke in Jack. "The main thing now is to get away from here, for I've a notion that in no very short time it's going to be mighty unhealthy for gringoes." "Guess you're right, lad. How're yer makin' out, perfusser?"

"That" was only a small purplish speck on the far horizon, but it broke the monotony of the sky-line sharply. Coyote Pete scrutinized it with keen eyes for a moment, narrowing his optics till they were mere slits. Then "Give me the glasses, perfusser," he requested.

"Not at all, my boy," comforted the professor. "The same thing has happened to experienced sea-captains, and they have navigated many miles off their course before they discovered their error." "All of which, not bein' at' sea, don't help us any," grunted Pete. "Suppose now, perfusser, that you jes' figger out as well as you kin, how far wrong we hev gone."

Ef dem birds tas' lak chicking ah'm a-goin 'ter ketch one while he's a huntin' fer fleas and other foolishnesseses." "What's that you said, Rastus?" inquired the professor, as they began to thread their way among the piles of stones, each of which marked a nest. "Ah said de perfusser am a wonderful man wid his fleas and other scientificnesses," rejoined the colored man.

"There it is again," cried Tom. A faint, far-off cry, impossible to locate, was borne to their ears. "It's a call for help," declared Dick. "That's what it is," agreed the red-faced farmer. "Must be that perfusser of yours, but where in the name of Sam Hill is he?" It was a puzzling question. The faint cries appeared to be muffled in some way.

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