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Updated: August 2, 2024

He would talk to all the men at the garage, and from South Audley Street the tit-bit of scandal would percolate through every stratum of society." Rita was silent for a few moments, then: "Were you thinking about Monte?" she asked diffidently. Pyne laughed. "He would scarcely approve, would he?" "No," replied Rita. "Was that why you were angry when I told you I was going?"

Land converted into water, and water into land, castles built upon the breast of rapid streams, rivers turned from their beds and taught new courses; the distant ocean driven across ancient bulwarks, mines dug below the sea, and canals made to percolate obscene morasses which the red hand of war, by the very act, converted into blooming gardens a mighty stream bridged and mastered in the very teeth of winter, floating ice-bergs, ocean-tides, and an alert and desperate foe, ever ready with fleets and armies and batteries such were the materials of which the great spectacle was composed; a spectacle which enchained the attention of Europe for seven months, and on the result of which, it was thought, depended the fate of all the Netherlands, and perhaps of all Christendom.

"You do not know of your own knowledge who committed this murder?" The Scandinavian gazed at her with a bovine expression on his leaden features, as though waiting for her question to percolate to his understanding. "You did not see who did it?" she asked again. "Aw, yes. That feller there," accusative finger to the fore. "She say he did." There was a general smile at this.

And my expert, legal advice is this: to get into a row with the Old Man, maybe anyway, quit him cold, so we get our time. We must let that fact percolate the alleged brains of Dry Lake and vicinity and if we give any reason for taking claims right under the nose of the Flying U, why, we're doing it to spite the Old Man. Sabe?

But gradually, as they remained idly on the rank, the endless stream of persuasion would begin to percolate, and at last one would relent, half out of pity, and would end by bearing the sack gratuitously on his shoulder from the house to his cab.

Patiently and ceaselessly he continued, hour after hour, until suddenly the hiss of escaping gas could be faintly heard. "I'm done for this time," he cried in despair. "I shall be asphyxiated!" But a gleam of hope quickly set him to work again. "Gas is lighter than air. It may percolate through the chinks of the masonry. In any case I'd rather die that way than be starved to death."

She dug another hole alongside the one containing the water, leaving a few inches of earth between them, through which the water would percolate, and collect in hole perfectly filtered. At other times, when no ordinary human being could detect the presence of water, she would point out to me a little knob of clay on the ground in an old dried-up water-hole.

"I tell you that little trick of pulling a fellow's tongue out isn't near as good as turning him face down. Look how easily this chap came around." "We'd better get him in and get him to bed as soon as we can, boys," admonished Jack. "He needs a warming up." "I'll start the electric heater and percolate some coffee for both of we rescued persons," declared Arnold.

The upper Piton is unfitted for retaining water, which must percolate through its cinders, pumices, and loose matter into many a reservoir formed by blowing-holes. Snow must also be drifted in and retain, the cold. Moisture would be kept in the cavern by the low conducting power of its walls; so Lyell found, on Etna, a bed of solid ice under a lava-current.

To make the security complete in this respect, the upper surface of this brick flooring was covered with sheets of lead, overlapping each other in such a manner as to convey all the water which might percolate through the mold away to the sides of the garden.

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