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Then his eyes brightened and his lips quivered, and after looking sorrowfully up at the scene before him for several minutes, he motioned his companion to him, laid his trembling hand on his arm, and said: "Tar pees no shustice in dis. He prings shorrow hinto mine house, unt shust now his house pees full of peeples what rejoices.

Who ish mine frients? Who buys mine groceries? Kullud peeples. When Schults cum ster Wilmiton sick mit der rhumatiz, mit no moneys, mit no frients, who helbs Schults ter git on his feets? Dese rich bocra? No; dey kicks Schults off de sidewalks, cowhide Schults on der sthreets. Who helbs Schults den? Kullud peeples! An' befoe I rais' mine hand 'gin dem I suffer det.

Peeples cites an instance in Texas in an infant at the age of five days, which was associated with a remarkable development of the genital organs and breasts. Van Swieten offers an example at the first month; the British Medical Journal at the second month; Conarmond at the third month.

Sum peeples, white en black, w'en dey fin' a hoss shoe, dey would tack hit up on de frunt door frame wid de toe ter de groun'." "Atter de Marster en Missus d'ed, I went ter Nashville en made mah way fur menny y'ars by washin' en ironin' fer white peeple but atter I went blind I kum 'yer ter live wid mah daughter." INTERVIEW FRANKIE GOOLE 204 5th Ave. So. Nashville, Tenn.

An' you damn po bocras dat allows yo'uselfs ter be make fools mit you'selfs fer broke down risterchrats ter dhrive kullud peeples frum dey homes deserfs efry one eff you' ter be kilt." George Howe's under jaw dropped. He stared at Schults in astonishment, for he did not expect to witness such a show of bravery on the part of this quiet German grocer.

"I b'long ter de Missionary Baptist chuch an' I useter preach in mah chuch 'ouse en udders w'en called. Once a y'ar I wud be at de Cumberland Riber wha'f en' baptiz' culled peeples all da'. We useter hab camp meetin' in de ole days en hab good things ter eat en I would preach all day. I went ter schul two sessions en den I went to wuk."

What the writer of the following letter expected of me I have no idea, nor did his letter enlighten me: "DEAR SER: "Wen I gave my name for a church member it was fer a peeples church, not a fol-de-rol solo and labour union church. "Drop my name." We had at our opening a solo by the finest singer in the city, and I had thanked the labour unions for their help. His name was dropped.

Ancestry Grandfather, Ned Peeples; grandmother, Sally Peeples; Mother, Dorcas Peeples; Father, Josh Allen. Place and date of birth On Saline River, Selma, Arkansas. No date. Family Two daughters and granddaughter. No dates. Education, with dates Three days, "after freedom". Attends government school now. Occupations and accomplishments, with dates Farmwork, cooking, laundry work until 1936.

"Now listen, this young master was Prewitt's son. "Grandpa's name was Ned Peeples and grandma was Sally Peeples. My mother was Dorcas. Well, my papa, I ain't never seed him but his name was Josh Allen. You see, they just sold 'em around. That's what I'm talkin' about they went by the name of their owners. "I'm seventy-eight or seventy-nine or eighty. That's what the insurance man got me up.

Mah parents useter tell lots ob tales but I can't think ob dem." "Oh honey, I dunno w'at dis young peeples ez kum'n ter. Dey ez so diff'ent fum de way I wuz raised. I don't think much ob dis white en black mar'ages. Hit shouldn't be 'lowed." "I 'long ter de Missionary Baptist." INTERVIEW MEASY HUDSON 1209 Jefferson St. Nashville, Tennessee