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He told of her dark eyes and the whiteness of her skin, of the nobleness of her shape and the gold of her hair, of her wit and gentleness, till at length Ospakar grew afire to see this flower of maids. "By Thor, thou Koll," he said, "if the girl be but half of what thou sayest, her luck is good, for she shall be wife to Ospakar.

"Welcome to Iceland, Eric!" she said. "Welcome, thou glory of the south!" Now Swanhild grew wild, for she saw that Eric was about to take Gudruda in his arms and kiss her before all men. "Say, Björn," she cried; "wilt thou suffer that this outlaw, having slain Ospakar, should lead Gudruda hence as wife?" "He shall never do so while I live," cried Björn, nearly mad with rage.

Then shall Asmund be wroth and drive Eric from Gudruda's side. Meanwhile, I will do this: In the north there dwells a man mighty in all things and blown up with pride. He is named Ospakar Blacktooth. His wife is but lately dead, and he has given out that he will wed the fairest maid in Iceland.

So heavy were the blows that fire leapt out from them. Ospakar reeled back beneath the shock, and Eric was beaten to his knee. Now he was up, but as he rushed, Ospakar struck again and swept away half of Brighteyen's pointed shield so that it fell upon the floor. Eric smote also, but Ospakar dropped his knee to earth and the sword hissed over him.

We have slain several men and Ospakar goes hence wounded. We have got honour, and they loss and the greatest shame. "Would that the spear had gone more home," said Skallagrim. "Ospakar's time is not yet," answered Eric; "still, he has something by which to bear us in mind."

As he spoke a great gust of wind shook the ship, the music of the breakers roared in their ears, and the gleaming shape upon the waters tossed its arms wildly and pointed to the right. "The breakers call ahead," said Eric. "The shape points yonder, where I hear no sound of sea. Once before, thou mindest, Swanhild walked the waves to warn us and thereby saved us from the men of Ospakar.

Surely thou hast heard of Ospakar Blacktooth the priest who dwells in the north?" "Ay, I have heard of him, and I know him; there is no man like him for ugliness, or strength, or wealth and power. We sailed together on a viking cruise many years ago, and he did things at which my blood turned, and in those days I had no chicken heart." "With time men change their temper.

"It shall go ill with Ospakar if this be true," said Eric, smiling grimly, "for Whitefire is yet left me and with it one true friend." "Run not to meet the evil, Eric. Thou shalt come to Iceland with the summer flowers and find Gudruda faithful and yet fairer than of yore. Knowest thou that Hall of Lithdale, who was thy mate, has sat here these two months?

Also she desired to see the wedding of Ospakar and Gudruda, for she had been bidden to it by Björn, her half-brother. Now Ospakar came to Middalhof, and found Gudruda waiting his coming. She stood in the great hall, pale and cold as April snow, and greeted him courteously.

Then Ospakar greeted her heartily, and made place for her by him at the top of the booth. "Ospakar Blacktooth," she said, "I am come to ask this of thee: that thou shalt befriend me in the suit which I have against Eric Brighteyes for the slaying of Earl Atli, my husband."