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One convert like you or me is worth a thousand ignorant East-end labourers, with nothing but their hands and their votes to count upon. 'But you are not a convert, Herbert. 'I didn't say I was. I'm a critic. There's no necessity to throw oneself open-armed into the embrace of either party.

Finally, being no longer able to bear it, he asked the King for permission to go to England, where high play was much in vogue. He obtained it, and took with him a good deal of money, which secured him an open-armed reception in London, where he was not less successful than in Paris. James II., then reigning, received Lauzun with distinction. But the Revolution was already brewing.

For this Glam was not ready, therefore he reeled backwards and spun against the door, so that his shoulders caught against the upper part of it; the roof burst both rafters and frozen thatch and he fell open-armed backwards out of the house with Grettir over him.

She was docile till I drove her too hard. She's a loving child. You are fortunate in your daughter, St. Quentin." Monsieur sprang up radiant, advancing on him open-armed. Mayenne added, with his cool smile: "You need not flatter yourself, Monsieur, that it is your doing. I laugh at your threats.

Suddenly the door opened, and a young man rushed into the chamber with an exclamation of joy as he advanced, open-armed, toward the trembling girl, whom he would have pressed to his breast had not the hand and look of her father arrested his steps. For a moment he stood like one stupefied, glancing from the wretched board to the miserable dress of the old man and his daughter.

There would be an ingratitude in such a proceeding after the open-armed affection which had been shown to her which Lady Ball could not readily bring herself to forgive. Sir John, once or twice during the day, took up his little sarcasms against her supposed religious tendencies at Littlebath. "You'll be glad to get back to Mr Stumfold," he said.

Know also, that now heaven-gates, the heart of Christ with his arms are wide open to receive thee O methinks that this consideration, that the devil followeth after to destroy, and that Christ standeth open-armed to receive, should make thee reach out and fly with all haste and speed! Keep thine eyes upon the prize: be sure that thine eyes be continually upon the profit thou art like to get.

To deal death was the wish of their souls; to meet it caused them no dread; for their glowing fancy painted an open Paradise where beautiful women awaited them open-armed, and brimming goblets promised to satisfy every desire.

"My mother.... Oh, Tessibel, it'll be all right " He paused, then finished despairingly, "My mother wants me to marry her!" Tess caught the picture his words suggested; then recoiled as if death in monstrous guise had appeared before her, open-armed. Incredulous horror leapt alive in her eyes. He had said, "My mother wants me to marry Madelene Waldstricker."

It was inexpressibly strange and weird to me, this one-sided recognition, this unfamiliar familiarity: it gave me a queer thrill of the supernatural that I can hardly express to you. But I didn't know what to do, when a kindly-faced, middle-aged English upper-class servant rushed out at me, open-armed, and hugging me hard to her breast, exclaimed with many loud kisses: "Miss Una, Miss Una!