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Updated: August 24, 2024

The Fourth Motive. Know also, that now heaven gates, the heart of Christ, with his arms, are wide open to receive thee. O methinks that this consideration, that the devil followeth after to destroy, and that Christ standeth open-armed to receive, should make thee reach out and fly with all haste and speed! And therefore, The Fifth Motive.

If only he could take her to the Capital he felt sure that all the world would stand still to turn round and gaze at her. And if she loved him if she met him open-armed. . . . Oh, why had spiteful fate made her a Melchite? But then, alas, alas!

Emma was seized with a vague fear at this shyness, more dangerous to her than the boldness of Rodolphe when he advanced to her open-armed. No man had ever seemed to her so beautiful. An exquisite candour emanated from his being. He lowered his long fine eyelashes, that curled upwards.

If only he could take her to the Capital he felt sure that all the world would stand still to turn round and gaze at her. And if she loved him if she met him open-armed.... Oh, why had spiteful fate made her a Melchite? But then, alas, alas!

If he had been a younger brother of my own blood the common parentage could not have made him tenderer. 'Twas not the mere outgushing of a nature open-armed to make a bosom friend of all the world; nor any feminine softness on his part. If I have drawn him thus my pen is but a clumsy quill, for he was manly-rough and masterful, with all the native strength and vigor of the border-born.

Gatty having put her to the proof, applauded her, and we went on with our conversation. Mother. "I can never feel sufficiently grateful to you, Madame, for your forethoughts and wisdom. We are now at all events our own mistresses and masters, but no one knows what would have become of us, had we gone open-armed to meet these people." Madame.

At the gate between the copper beeches the Underwoods and Merrifields parted, with an engagement to meet at the circus on the part of the boys and their conductors. Fergus was greeted with open-mouthed, open-armed delight by all the assembled multitude, very little checked by the presence of Captain Armytage.

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