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But old Tom's in the sere and yellow leaf: he's onnery. like all old men. I try to humor him, but here's a limit." The speaker looked Pierce over shrewdly. "You said you was packin' for wages. Well, old Tom ain't any help to me. You look strong. Mebbe I could hire you." Phillips shook his head. "I don't want work just now," said he. "I'm going to Dyea in the morning."

Strung out behind this indolently moving aggregation of desert adventurers plodded an indifferent lot of cayuses, their heads lowered and their eyes filled with dust. Young Pete, perched on a saddle much too large for him, hazed the tired horses with a professional "Hi! Yah! Git in there, you doggone, onnery, three-legged pole-cat you!"

It's bad, for a man to quit dreaming; he gets mean and selfish and onnery. Take me I ain't worth skinning. I had a kid little girl- -I used to tote her around in my arms. Funny how it makes you feel to tote a baby that belongs to you; seems like all you've got is wrapped up in it; you live two lives. My daughter didn't stay long. I just got started loving her when she went away.

"And if you keep on actin' polite," Pete told the pony as he hobbled him that evening, "you'll get a good reputation, like Jim Owen said; which is plumb necessary, if you an' me's goin' to be pals. But if gettin' a good reputation is goin' to spoil your wind or legs any why, jest keep on bein' onnery which Jim was tellin' me is called 'Character."

And it seemed to Pete that that had been but yesterday "with a pretty onnery kind of a dream in between," he told himself. As the last faint light faded from the west and the stars grew big, Pete thanked those same friendly stars that there would be a To-morrow with sunlight, silence, and a lone trail to ride.

I got a long outfit and a short boat. I'll put 'em in against yours. I bet we'd get along all right. I'm onnery, but I got good points." Mr. Linton smiled dreamily. "It's a go. I need a good partner." "I'll buy a new fryin'-pan out of my money. Mine got split, somehow." Tom chuckled. "You darned old fool!" said he. Jerry heaved a long sigh and snuggled closer; soon he began to snore.