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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Quando si guarda a quella corretta eleganza di profili e di proporzioni, a quella squisitezza d'ornamenti, a quel certo sapore antico che senza ombra d' imitazione traspareda tutta l' opera" &c. "Sopra ornatissimo zoccolo fornito di squisiti intagli s' alza uno stylobate" &c.

or that image of the cold dull shadow over the torrent, beneath the Alpine fir: "Un' ombra smorta Qual sotto foglie verdi e rami nigri Sovra suoi freddi rivi, l'Alpe porta;" or of the large snowflakes falling without wind among the mountains: "d'un cader lento Piovean di fuoco dilatate falde Come di neve in Alpe senza vento."

The moon shone on the barques along the Riva de' Schiavoni. The waters of Venice, where there is no tide, looked as if they were alive, dancing with a myriad spangles. Never had a singer a more splendid stage. Genovese, with an emphatic flourish, seemed to call Heaven and Earth to witness; and then, with no accompaniment but the lapping waves, he sang Ombra adorata, Crescentini's great air.

In Italy as elsewhere there were ghosts, that is, reappearances of deceased persons; and if the view taken of them differed in any respect from that which prevailed in the North, the difference betrayed itself only in the ancient name 'ombra. Even nowadays if such a shade presents itself, a couple of Masses are said for its repose.

Hamlyn de Valence was going with Henry as his esquire; and his absence seemed to Richard like the beginning of better days. "Mostrocci un ombra da l' un canto sola Dicendo 'Colui feese in grembo a Dio Lo cuor che'n su Tamigi ancor si cola." DANTE. Inferno. Shrovetide had come, and the Prince had, before leaving Trapani, been taking some share in the entertainments of the Carnival.

Patti for the first time in New York, I could not help indulging in the following rhapsody: "The ordinary epithets applicable to a voice, such as sweet, sympathetic, flexible, expressive, sound almost too commonplace to be applied to Patti's voice at its best, as it was when she sang the valse Ombra Leggiera from 'Dinora, and 'Home, Sweet Home. Her voice has a natural sensuous charm like a Cremona violin, which it is a pleasure to listen to, irrespective of what she happens to be singing.

The aria, "Ombra leggier," is fairly lavish in its texture of vocal embroidery, and has always been a favorite number on the concert stage. Höel and Corentin appear in quest of the treasure, and the latter gives expression to his terror in a very characteristic manner, with the assistance of the orchestra.

Under her breath she began it and abruptly desisted. The Dear Name suggested another. For it she substituted the Ombra leggiera. In its scatter of trills that mount, as birds mount, there were no evocations, though she did begin wondering again about Mrs. Beamish's music-room. If it were not too impossible she might give the Ernani involame.

And having already descanted on the literal sense, I had just made an assertion which appertained to the allegorical sense, when you so inopportunely interrupted me, My Ombra Adorata, with your sharp observation about nonsense: so now we will go on in peace and quietness, if you please. In an allegorical sense the world is full of giants who cannot see carraway seeds.

What English words can render the mystery of that unknown voice that calls out of the deep, "Onorate 'l altissimo poeta, Torna sua ombra che era dipartita"? The cry breaks upon the night, full of awful greeting, proclamation, prophecy, and leaves the reader standing next to Virgil, afraid now to lift up his eyes to the poet. Awe breathes in the cadence of the words themselves.

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