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Updated: August 17, 2024

Oh the crame av disruption is an Oirish rig'mint, an' rippin', tearin', ragin' scattherers in the field av war! My first rig'mint was Oirish Faynians an' rebils to the heart av their marrow was they, an' so they fought for the Widdy betther than most, bein' contrairy Oirish. They was the Black Tyrone. You've heard av thim, Sorr? Heard of them!

Almost before Ortheris had deftly thrown all the rifles of the Guard on Mulvaney's bedstead, the Irishman's voice was uplifted as that of one in the middle of a story, and, turning to me, he said 'In barricks or out of it, as you say, Sorr, an Oirish rig'mint is the divil an' more. 'Tis only fit for a young man wid eddicated fisteses.

"Is it an outside one?" asked Delight, who had travelled on night boats, though not across the ocean. "Yes, ma'am. Outside and inside both. Where is your steamer trunk?" "It will be sent up, I suppose." "Yes, ma'am. Very good, ma'am. Now, you can be steward to me, Delight." "Shure. This way, mum. It's Oirish, I am, but me heart is warrum. Shall I carry the baby for ye?"

Oi say ye 're nothin' betther than a dommed foreigner, wid no business in this counthry at all, at all, takin' the bread out o' the mouths of honest min. Look at the Oirish, now; they was here from the very beginnin'; they 've fought, bled, an' died for the counthry, an' the loikes o' ye comes in an' takes their jobs. Be hivins, it 's enough to rile the blood. What's the name of ye, anny how?"

An' that we'll get from an Oirish Parliament an' only from that. 'Tis not the tinints that's always the worst off. Many's the time I seen thim that had a farrum of their own go to the dogs, while thim that had rint to pay sthruggled and sthrived an' made money an' bought the freeholders out. For whin they had nothin' to pay they did no work, an' then, bedad ivery mortial thing wint to the divil.

Turning to me, the bearded man said, "Did ye ever hear the pome about Saint Patrick's birthday?" I regretfully admitted that the masterpiece in question had escaped my research, but pleaded in extenuation that I came from England, where the rudiments of polite larnin' and the iliments of Oirish litherature have not yet permeated the barbarian population. Barbatus then recited as follows:

Then said a voice, "Ould Oireland in throuble again! Oi'm an Oirish Highlander; I beg your pardon, sorr and in throuble again. They tould me there was a box of cigars here; do ye know, sorr, if the bhoys have shmoked them all?" LADYSMITH, Oct. 27. "Come to meet us!" cried the staff officer with amazement in his voice; "what on earth for?"

Those are the Black Oirish, an' 'tis they that bring dishgrace upon the name av Oireland, an' thim I wud kill as I nearly killed wan wanst. "But to reshume. My room 'twas before I was married was wid twelve av the scum av the earth the pickin's av the gutter mane men that wud neither laugh nor talk nor yet get dhrunk as a man shud.

"Yes," continued Punch after a minute. "They are splendid fellows to fight. I wonder whether he's spoiling for one now. Old O'Grady would say he was. You should hear him sometimes when he's on the talk. How he let go, my boy, about the Oirish! Well, they are good soldiers, and I wish, my boy, old O was here to help. O, O, and it's O with me, I am so hungry!

Misther Daniel O'Shea, of County Kerry, stated that the great hippotamus had actually been named Miss Murphy! A hijeous baste from a dissolute counthry inhabited wid black nagurs, to be named after an Oirish gyurl! Mr. O'Shea uncorked the vials of his wrath, and poured out his anger with a bubble, the meeting palpitating with hair-raising horror. Some other animal was called Miss Bridget.

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