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In the sitting-room La Cibot explained her position with regard to the pair of nutcrackers at very considerable length. She repeated the history of her loan with added embellishments, and gave a full account of the immense services rendered during the past ten years to MM. Pons and Schmucke. The two old men, to all appearance, could not exist without her motherly care.

Pons attributed the success to the excellent constitution of the patient, who resumed her ministrations seven days later to the great satisfaction of her two gentlemen. Her influence in their household and her tyranny was increased a hundred-fold by the accident. In the course of a week, the two nutcrackers ran into debt; Mme. "Oh, what a doctor M. Poulain is!" cried La Cibot, for Pons' benefit.

She was about thirty-five, according to Hardy's judgment, and had a long sharp nose and an equally sharp chin, tending ultimately to form what some people ungenerously call nutcrackers; but her appetite was good, and it left an opportunity to Hardy to observe his fellow guests. The Pastor sat near his host, and his daughter was paired with a young Danish landowner, who paid her great attention.

Toothbrushes, nutcrackers, babies' baths the whole caboodle of manufacture are now set to music. Such themes are considered subliminal if not sublime. No, sir, I will not despair; it is only at moments when I have dined poorly that the horizon seems dark. Listen they have turned on the 'Kalophone, for you must know that all music now is beautifully made by machine so much easier for every one."

The Cupids are garlanded with flowers, baskets of which they have in their hands delightful little figures when genuine antiques. They vary in size and are said to have been divided in the past as "small" and "large" boys. Nutcrackers. Many a famous joke has been cracked over the "walnuts and wine." It was when the board was cleared of the viands that the nuts and fruit were partaken of.

"You haven't told the story." "That's so. Here goes then ... Well, you know, unless you've forgotten, how I began...." Fruit and nutshells and nutcrackers lay on the table between them, and at the end of it, shielded from draughts by the menu cards, the coffee apparatus simmered over its elusive blue flame.

It is very doubtful whether the King of the French, who is supposed to understand economy, is as well served as the pair of nutcrackers used to be in those days. For them the milk issued pure from the can; they enjoyed a free perusal of all the morning papers taken by other lodgers, later risers, who were told, if need be, that the newspapers had not come yet. Mme.

Cibot, portress of the house in the Rue de Normandie, was the pivot on which the domestic life of the nutcrackers turned; but Mme. Cibot plays so large a part in the drama which grew out of their double existence, that it will be more appropriate to give her portrait on her first appearance in this Scene of Parisian Life.

'Why will it vex itself, and twist its little face into bewitching nutcrackers? said Mantalini, putting his left arm round the waist of his life and soul, and drawing her towards him with his right. 'Oh! I can't bear you, replied his wife. 'Not eh, not bear ME! exclaimed Mantalini. 'Fibs, fibs. It couldn't be.

"If that's the way you kill your enemies, Nutcrackers, we promise to eat them up for you as many as you like," and as he spoke, Green advanced and seized the dying bird by the throat; but as he pulled it suddenly away, a dark human hand was observed to relinquish its hold of the feet, and rapidly disappear.