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Updated: July 31, 2024

Noyes himself and several other members contributed several thousand dollars each, and a "Property Register" kept from the beginning of the community experiment showed that up to the first of January, 1857, the members of all the associated communes had brought in the considerable amount of one hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and six dollars.

No wonder that a writer having occasion to examine into the evidence a few years ago, and commenting on it, should exclaim: "Great God! and is this the road our ancestors had to travel in their pilgrimage in quest of freedom and Christianity? Are these the misunderstood doctrines of total depravity?" Reverend Mr. Noyes seemed to rival Mr. Parris in the persecution of witches. "You are a witch.

When he was in the third stage of drunkenness he would never teach Cake, but would only abuse his enemies, and this Noyes invariably came in for a fearful shower of epithets. It was he as Cake heard it, sitting huddled on the old dry-goods box, the candle casting strange shadows into her gaunt, unchildlike face, who was the cause of the lodger's downfall.

Twentieth-century writers are not, however, neglecting the other great function of literature, to charm life with romantic visions and to bring to it deliverance from care. The poetry of Noyes takes us back to the days of Drake and to the Mermaid Inn, where we listen to Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Jonson. The Irish poets and dramatists disclose a world of the "Ever-Young," where there is:

I calculate you mean to do your doctorin' cheap." "Cheap!" replied Jerome, scornfully. "Do you think I would take any pay for anything I could do? Do you think that's what I'm after?" Jake Noyes nodded. "Didn't s'pose it was, J'rome. Well, there'll be lots of things you can't meddle with; but there's no reason why you can't doctor lots of little ails if folks are willin' an' save 'em money.

Noyes had to explain them: "It is no new wisdom to regard these things through the eyes of little children; and I know however insignificant they may be to others these two tales contain as deep and true things as I, personally, have the power to express.

Webster's letter furnishes strong evidence, that he did not forsake "his own friend," Parker Noyes. The friendship between these men commenced when Mr. Noyes entered the Law office of Thomas W. Thompson as early as 1798, and continued intimate, cordial, unabated, "fast" during their lives. The earthly existence of both terminated in the same year, Mr.

Noyes ordained a fast at Marblehead, and preached a soul-stirring discourse on the words; "Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye did it not unto me."

Noyes, with a sly, roguish smile upon the red pouting lips. Helen Rushton threw herself into a handsomely carved fauteuil with cushion of pale blue satin, embroidered with a wreath of lily of the valley and soft cream roses. "How time flies! two years girls, since we made our promise and I am the only old maid left in the crowd. What a world of consolation is in that thought!"

"He died the same way you will, some time," said he. And with that Simon Basset let go his arm suddenly, and he was gone. "Lord!" said Jake Noyes, under his breath. Simon Basset said not another word; his grandfather, his uncle, and a brother had all taken their own lives, and he knew that the others were thinking of it.

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