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Updated: August 12, 2024

His face was just like the rest of him; there was no expression in it but an expression of limp submissiveness. "Sambo, your mistress wants to speak to you." "Yes, massa. I's George, massa." "George," said I, "I want to know where you go to church?" "Yes, missis. What missis want to know?" "Where do you and all the rest go to church?" "Reckon don't go nowhar, missis."

But 'when we have sich sorry weather as this, Shelbyville seems on t' other side o' nowhar. You've got t' pull through the mud an' swim every branch and crick, an' you're mouty lucky if you git thar in a week." "Why don't you build bridges over the creeks?" asked Si. "Can't do hit when hit's rainin' an they're runnin' over thar banks." "But why don't you do it when the weather's good?"

Brer Rabbit he rap on de roof er Brer Tarrypin's house, he did, en ax wuz he in, en Brer Tarrypin 'low dat he wuz, en den Brer Rabbit, he ax 'im howdy, en den Brer Tarrypin he likewise 'spon' howdy, en den Brer Rabbit he say whar wuz Brer Tarrypin gwine, en Brer Tarrypin, he say w'ich he wern't gwine nowhar skasely.

But dat fall de craps wuz monst'us big, so Mars Dugal' say de Lawd had temper' de win' ter de sho'n ram, en make up ter 'im fer w'at he had los'. "Dey buried Mahaly down in dat piece er low groun' you er talkin' 'bout cl'arin' up. Ez fer po' Dan, he did n' hab nowhar e'se ter go, so he des stayed 'roun' Mahaly's grabe, w'en he wa'n't out in de yuther woods gittin' sump'n ter eat.

Thus he avoided March Marston, who, on finding that his friend Dick was out, had returned at full speed to aid his comrades, and arrived just in time to meet them returning, triumphant and panting, from their pursuit of the foe! "Are they gone?" cried March in amazement. "Ay, right slick away into the middle o' nowhar," replied Big Waller, laughing heartily.

Er de plumbago or de typhoid er de yaller fever sometimes. But I warns ye now ter flee de wrath dat's ter come when dem Divers git ye! Dey ain't no doctor no good fer dat nowhar exceptin' ye come ter de Lord. For He heal 'em er all sorts er diseases an' de wust er all de complaints called de Divers! "Come, humble sinners, in whose breast er thousand thoughts revolve!"

His face was just like the rest of him: there was no expression in it but an expression of limp submissiveness. "Sambo, your mistress wants to speak to you." "Yes, massa. I's George, massa." "George," said I, "I want to know where you go to church?" "Yes, missis. What missis want to know?" "Where do you and all the rest go to church?" "Reckon don't go nowhar, missis."

"I don't need any one to go with me," said that lady, and away she started. "She don' neber want nobody to show her nowhar," said Plez, returning with looks of much disapprobation to his business of peeling potatoes for dinner.

It 'peared ter 'im he mought jes' ez well be dead ez livin', fer he wuz all alone in de worl', wid nowhar ter go, an' nobody didn' hab nuffin' ter say ter 'im but ter 'buse 'im an' drive 'im erway.

One mawnin', a day er so later, en befo' he got de shote eat up, Primus did n' go ter wuk w'en de hawn blow, en w'en de oberseah wen' ter look fer him, dey wa' no trace er Primus ter be 'skivered nowhar. W'en he did n' come back in a day er so mo', eve'ybody on de plantation 'lowed he had runned erway. His marster a'vertise' him in de papers, en offered a big reward fer 'im.

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