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But this offer received no answer, and in five minutes more Mallalieu heard the case adjourned for a week and himself and Cotherstone committed to Norcaster Gaol in the meantime. Without a look at his fellow-prisoner he turned out of the dock and was escorted back to the private room in the Town Hall from which he had been brought.

"Well, it's an excellent plan," responded Christopher. "You say that you'll be safe if you're set down in a certain part of Norcaster near the docks. Now that will suit our plans exactly. You're aware, of course, Mr. Mallalieu, that my aunt here is about to remove her goods and chattels bequeathed by Mr. Kitely, deceased from this house? Very well the removal's to take place tomorrow.

And without opening one of his letters, he snatched up the whole pile, thrust it into his pocket, hurriedly made some preparation for his journey and raced off to King's Cross. He fumed and fretted with impatience during the six hours' journey down to Norcaster.

'Just heard from Petherton of your rescue. Come straight and sharp Norcaster. Meet me at the "Angel." Big things afoot. Spurge most anxious see you. Important news. Gilling. So things have been going on," he concluded, turning the second telegram over to Vickers. "I suppose we'll have to travel all night?" "Night express in an hour," replied Vickers.

"He ought to have turned up at the 'Angel Hotel' at Norcaster last night, and at the theatre today at noon he did neither. I'm his business manager, Mrs. Wooler. Now can you tell us anything more than you've already told, I mean?" The landlady, whose face expressed more and more concern as Stafford spoke, shook her head. "I can't!" she answered. "I don't know any more.

One of them, ahead of the others, carried a bull's-eye lamp and in swinging it about revealed himself as one of the superintendent's own officers. He caught sight of his superior and came forward. "Mr. Brereton's here, sir, and some gentlemen from Norcaster," he said. "They want to see you particularly something about this place, so I brought them "

Both were wondering, as they went, about the same thing the evident anxiety and mental uneasiness of Marston Greyle. Copplestone saw little of his bed that night. At seven o'clock in the evening came a telegram from Sir Cresswell Oliver, saying that he and Petherton were leaving at once, would reach Norcaster soon after midnight, and would motor out to Scarhaven immediately on arrival.

And Vickers hurried his little party up a gangway and on to the deck. A hard-faced, keen-eyed, man, evidently in authority, came forward. "Are you the captain of this vessel?" demanded Vickers in tones of authority. "You are? I am Mr. Vickers, solicitor, of Norcaster. I give you formal warning that the man you have known as Marston Greyle is not Marston Greyle at all, but an impostor.

Well this must ha' been during the early morning after I left Jim to go into Norcaster. And of course him as put the stuff there must be him as fetched it away Chatfield. Let's see if there's footmarks about, guv'nor." "Wait a bit," said Copplestone. "We must be careful about that. Move warily. We 'd better do it systematically.

About half-way between Scarhaven and Norcaster there's a very narrow opening in the cliffs that you'd never notice unless you were close in shore, and inside that opening there's a cove that's big enough to take a thousand-ton vessel aye, and half-a-dozen of 'em!