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An excellent plan for his purpose for in order to reach the other town it would be necessary to pass through Norcaster, where he would have to change stations. And Norcaster was a very big city, and a thickly-populated one, and it had some obscure parts with which Mallalieu was well-acquainted and in Norcaster he could enter on the first important stage of his flight.

We must go at once and wire for Sir Cresswell and old Petherton," replied Gilling. "It's now four-thirty. If they catch an evening express at King's Cross they'll get here early in the morning. If they like to motor from Norcaster they can get here in the small hours. But they must be here for that inquest." Greyle was talking to Chatfield at the foot of the Keep when they got down.

"A conspiracy, if you like, between Cotherstone and the authorities. Cotherstone, he's got the smartest solicitor in Norcaster and the shrewdest advocate on this circuit you know 'em, Mr. Mallalieu Stilby's the solicitor, and Gradston the barrister and it strikes me it's a put-up job. D'ye see through it?

Mallalieu, that if you set foot out of this house, you'll see the inside of Norcaster Gaol before two hours is over!" "What do you advise, then?" demanded Mallalieu. "Here! I'm fairly in for it, so I'll tell you what my notion was. If I can once get to a certain part of Norcaster, I'm safe. I can get away to the Continent from there."

He was assiduous in assuring Mallalieu that he was working in his interest with might and main; jealous in proclaiming his own and his aunt's intention to get him clear away to Norcaster.

He would make no attempt to fly no, not if they left the gate of Norcaster Gaol wide open to him! It should be his particular care to have himself legally cleared his acquittal should be as public as the proceedings which had just taken place. He went out of the dock with that resolve strong on him; he carried it away to his cell at Norcaster; he woke in the morning with it, stronger than ever.

There's the fact, those chests of gold have been removed from that old tower since Zachary Spurge left his cousin in charge there early this morning. Everything looks as if they'd been carried to Norcaster. Therefore " "Turn this car round," commanded Sir Cresswell. "Of course, we must get back to Norcaster. But what's to be done there?" The two cars went scurrying back to the old shipping town.

Armed with that, I went home to my lodgings in Norcaster, found the letter written by the American Marston Greyle, and compared it with them. And here is the result!" The old actor selected the two American letters from his papers, laid them out on the table, and placed the letter which Audrey had given him beside them.

And when we get to the shed at Norcaster where the vans are to be left, the two men will go away with their horses and I shall let you out. It's a good plan, Mr. Mallalieu." "It'll do, anyhow," agreed Mallalieu, who felt heartily relieved. "We'll try it. But you must take all possible care until I'm in, and we're off. The least bit of a slip " Mr.

One and the most important person was a certain solicitor in Norcaster who enjoyed a great reputation as a sharp man of affairs. Another scarcely less important was a barrister who resided in Norcaster, and had had it said of him for a whole generation that he had restored more criminals to society than any man of his profession then living. And the other two were his own daughter and Windle Bent.