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"Then we can wire Anne at once to complete arrangements, Frederick?" ventured the lady, watching her husband's expression. "I'll attend to that but when can you be ready to go?" asked Mr. Maynard, glancing from one to the other of the trio. "The same day you start, Daddy!" declared Eleanor, giving her father a hug. "Why, we simply can't, Nolla!

Eleanor and Anne exchanged glances and smiled, for they understood that Barbara meant to be condemnatory in her manner; but Polly, in her very guilelessness, countered the city girl's disparagement. "It's too bad we couldn't have had him come home with us," added Eleanor, teasingly, to Barbara. "Dear me, Nolla!

It was a nice little retreat for any one wishing to take a nap on a sultry afternoon, but Polly had never known Sary to have a weakness for swinging. "Do you know, Nolla, if I didn't have to watch for Jeb, I'd just love to follow after Sary and see what she is up to," said Polly to Eleanor, as both girls sat alone on the porch steps. "Jeb!

"I never said I would go away to school with you, Nolla, although I should like it better than going alone. And I'm sure I couldn't think of leaving home if Daddy objected to it," said Polly seriously. "Oh, well, I know you won't, but a lot of money of your very own will help coax him to our way of thinking," explained Eleanor.

"Wouldn't it be lovely to have Ken's father use these lava jewels in his company, and let Nolla and me have the royalty to send us to school?" ventured Polly, wistfully, looking at the distant peak where her gold mine seemed lost for the present. Jim and his friend were selecting the finest specimen of the lava as Polly spoke, so they made no reply.

Then Anne admitted: "I felt like squaring myself with you, Nolla, for your hint that I was answering ads. in the Matrimonial Mirror." "Well, then, is it for a hod-carrier?" insisted the irrepressible Eleanor. "Almost as good; it is for a teacher to carry learning up into young ladies' brains at a fashionable seminary in New York." "What? never!" declared Barbara.

But I never dreamed that Bob was as anxious to get away, as we were to have her go!" "Oh, Nolla! we are not anxious to have her go don't say that!" remonstrated Polly. "Well, you know what I mean everything will be so nice with no one to be forever finding fault and nagging at one!" "Maybe she wouldn't nag so much if you did not tease her so!

Eleanor backed behind the kitchen chair. "Miss Nolla, Ah wonder ef a widder of seven months' standin' mought wear little yaller rose-buds on a dress, like-ez-how this is?" "Certainly, Sary," came from Mrs. Brewster, who now joined the two. "It's not the color or quantity of clothes as much as the sincerity of one's mourning." Quite unintentionally, Mrs. Brewster touched upon a tender spot.

"Now listen to me, folks I've got everything ironed out smooth for Anne's going. I am expected to remain in Denver all this winter and attend school there. Live with Anne and her mother. These are Mother's orders to the doctor and he ordered them on to Daddy. I know all about it, because Barbara and Mother planned a big campaign to try and marry Bob off sure pop this year! "Nolla!

After creeping along for some distance without finding an outlet, Eleanor pulled on Polly's foot to attract her attention. "Let's go back, Poll. No use hunting down in the bowels of Grizzly Slide." "Nolla, the smoke of the torch blows harder than at first, and there is enough air to waft it backwards, so there will be an opening at the end, I am sure. That is what I must know for certain."