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Updated: August 21, 2024

I fetched him in by the scruff of the neck, stood him up against the bar, and said, "I think you're in for the soundest thrashing you've ever had in your life." "Sarves yer right, sawney," said the woman. "Plase let him off, sir. He thought yow was Swift Nicks." "Yow bitch!" he growled. "Yow set me on!" "Yow'm a ligger!" she retorted. "I towd yow the gen'leman was nowt like Swift Nicks."

He is growing prematurely bald now, like Canning, and is quite proud of it. He rides in St. James's Park of a morning before breakfast. He dockets his tailor's bills, and nicks off his dinner-notes in diplomatic paragraphs, and keeps precis of them all. If he ever makes a joke, it is a quotation from Horace, like Sir Robert Peel.

"What the hell does he mean?" he asked, appealing to the company. "Damn my bones if I know," answered the host. "I've 'eerd parson say sommat like it in church a Sundays. He's one of these 'ere silly scholards." "They do say as how Swift Nicks is a scholard," put in the ostler wisely. "There's no time for chattering," said I. "Take me at once before a justice. That's the law, and you know it.

But you, or that bloody villain Swift Nicks, if you a'nt him, keep us sweating-cold o' nights. To hell with your politics! Hang me Swift Nicks!" The terms of our treaty were that I was to remain peaceably and make a night of it, giving my word to make no attempt to escape or harm anyone.

That number carried his glance to the top of his first bulging bench of cliff-base. Above, after a more level offset, was still steeper slope, and the line of nicks kept on, to wind round a projecting corner of wall. A casual glance would have passed by these little dents; if Venters had not known what they signified he would never have bestowed upon them the second glance.

If he gets careless and nicks you on the ear you can drop in every mornin' and roast him about it. Besides, when he opens a chat he don't have to fish around and guess whether you're a reg'lar person with business in town, or if you're a week-end tourist just blown in from Oconomowoc or Houston.

I can't deal with things that are merely likely. It has to be a fact or nothing for my use. I know that there wasn't any second man because of the nicks Clayte's grappling hook has left in the cornice up there." "Nicks!" I said, and stood like a bound boy at a husking, without a word to say for myself.

The juggles of astrology have been admirably ridiculed by Butler in the following lines: Some by the nose with fumes trepan 'em, As Dunstan did the devil's grannam; Others, with characters and words, Catch 'em, as men in nets do birds; And some with symbols, signs, and tricks, Engrav'd in planetary nicks, With their own influence will fetch 'em Down from their orbs, arrest and catch 'em; Make 'em depose and answer to All questions, ere they let them go.

"I'm damned!" says he, and flops down into his elbow-chair. In the end we made a treaty, to Mr. Wicks' great disgust, who saw the guineas slipping through his fingers. Nor was the Squire less aggrieved at first, for clearly it was to him a matter of high concern to nail Swift Nicks. "What's it matter to us here who's got a crown on his head in London?" he said.

Many of them hailed him with enthusiastic "Old Nicks", and he was almost as familiar as His Highness's own aide-de-camp with all those secret ramifications of love and hate that made dinner-giving so much more of a science in Rome than at Apex City. Mrs.

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