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Updated: August 7, 2024

'How odd, exclaimed Minks, ever observant, as he leaped from the carriage, 'there are no platforms. Everything in Switzerland seems on one level, even the people everything, that is, except the mountains. 'Switzerland is the mountains, laughed his chief. Minks laughed too. 'What delicious air! he added, filling his lungs audibly. He felt half intoxicated with it.

'It is indeed, said Minks, 'in fact, one of the thorns in the path of literature. The ordinary clever mind is indeed a desolate phenomenon. And how often behind the "Oxford manner" lurks the cultured prig, if I may put it so. 'Indeed you may, was the other's rejoinder, 'for you put it admirably. They laughed a little and went on with their reading in their respective corners.

Of course, we had to have our wits with us all the time, because there are Hawks and Owls and Minks down there just as there are up here, but any Duck who can't keep out of their way deserves to furnish one of them a dinner. "Then there was another fellow we had to watch out for, a queer fellow whom we never see anywhere but down there.

'Gave one, in fact, quite a new view of life and work. There was such space and beauty everywhere. And my cousin's children simply would not let me go. There was a hint of apology and excuse in the tone and words the merest hint, but Minks noticed it and liked the enthusiasm.

He would bow, say 'Good morning, Mr. Rogers, glance round with one eye on his employer and another on a possible chair, seat himself with a sigh that meant 'I have written a new poem in the night, and would love to read it to you if I dared, then flatten out his oblong note-book and look up, expectant and receptive. Rogers would say 'Good morning, Mr. Minks. We've got a busy day before us.

The skin of a cougar, not long killed, hangs against the wall. Beside it are the pelts of other wild animals as the grey fox, the racoon, the rufous lynx, musk-rats, and minks. These, draping the roughly-hewn logs, rob them to some extent of their rigidity.

Muskrats and beavers swim much alike, as they are usually going in search of roots, and, knowing exactly where to find them, they swim straight; but minks and otters swim a zig-zag course for the reason that they are always looking for fish and therefore are constantly turning their heads about; and that rule applies whether their heads are above or below the surface.

So, for the next few days, the hunter was busily engaged in setting traps for bears, beavers, otters, minks, and muskrats; and thus the spring hunt went steadily on while the Goose Moon waned and then disappeared, and in its place the Frog Moon shone. One sunny morning, while I was strolling along the beach, I heard the sound of distant drumming, and presently a youthful voice broke into song.

But it brought, too, this sense of delicate bewilderment that was continually propounding questions to which he found no immediate answer. With the rest of the village, he stood still while Time flowed past him. Later, with Minks, he would run after it and catch it up again. Minks would pick out the lost clues.

Be ready. 'Ah, oui, said Minks, who had been studying phrase books, 'je vwa. But in reality he saw with difficulty, for a spark had got into his eye, and its companion optic, wandering as usual, was suffused with water too. The news of their arrival had, of course, preceded them, and the row of waving figures in the field gave them a welcome that went straight to Minks's heart.

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