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Updated: August 4, 2024

Some of the men at the supper-table eyed me, I fancied, narrowly; but whether they suspected who I was, or were considering whether it would not be profitable to rob the young English milord, I could not make out. Mr Laffan and Domingo having secured our hammocks, we turned in, with our pistols by our sides, while Lion took up his usual post under where we lay.

'Yes, we all know the ballad, Arthur answered; 'I sing stanzas of it to the guitar myself. He began to chant to himself, and Mrs. Barton listened, her face slanted in the pose of the picture of Lady Hamilton; and Milord rejoiced in the interlude, for it gave him opportunity to meditate. A quiet harmony reigned over Brookfield.

The men to whom they spoke only laughed and jeered at them, and poor young Elmore only came in for a greater share of abuse when by some means it was discovered that he was what they called an English aristocrat. "Ah, milord!" exclaimed one fellow with a horrid grin; "if we had you in la belle France, your head would not remain long on your shoulders. We guillotine all such.

You will not find it in the low haunts of Paris where you are so well known, where your name is a byword as that of an English 'milord' who degrades his Order!" "What do YOU know of the low haunts of Paris?" he queried with a cold laugh "Is Louis Gigue your informant? "I daresay Louis Gigue knows as much of you as most men do," she replied, quietly "But I never speak of you to him.

Since you assure me, Monsieur le Comte, that milord Wellington's policy is beyond doubt, as reported to Monsieur, le Marechal, it but remains to address ourselves to the discovery of the mystery underlying it. What conclusions have you reached? You, Monsieur de Samoval, have had exceptional opportunities of observation, I understand."

One day, he entered Madame's apartment with a paper in his hand, and said, "The King of Prussia is certainly a great man; he loves men of talent, and, like Louis XIV., he wishes to make Europe ring with his favours towards foreign savans. There is a letter from him, addressed to Milord Marshal,

Sa Majeste, prenant en bienveillante consideration l'activite que vous avez deployee pour empecher toutes nouvelles bandes de factieux de penetrer dans la place et de se joindre aux rebelles, ainsi que les mesures promptes et energiques que vous avez adoptees pour prevenir la mise en liberte des forcats, detenus dans le bagne, que les revoltes voulaient armer, a pris la determination de vous donner, Milord, un temoignage eclatant de Sa satisfaction Royale, en vous conferant la croix de Commandeur de Son Ordre religieux et militaire des Saints Maurice et Lazare.

Suddenly Mrs. Barton's voice was heard calling. Milord had arrived: they were to go into the garden and pick a few flowers to make a buttonhole for him. Olive darted off at once to execute the commission, and soon returned with a rose set round with stephanotis. The old lord, seated in the dining-room, in an arm-chair which Mrs.

He went back to Devonshire, and Craunch, the biggest man in Plympton, took him over to Lord Edgecumbe, the biggest man in Plymouth. Craunch carried along the portrait of himself that Joshua had made, and asked milord if he didn't want one just like it. Edgecumbe said he surely did, and asked Joshua if he painted the picture all alone by himself. Joshua smiled.

They signal across the vines to the towers of Colombier, rising with its columns of smoke and its poplars against the sheet of darkening water Colombier, in whose castle milord marechal Keith had his headquarters as Governor of the Principality of Neuchatel under the King of Prussia.

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