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At this very moment a mild-looking Turk is peeping into my bed-room where I am writing this letter, and supposing that I may wish to be undisturbed, has drawn a red cloth portière across the open doorway. This palace, which is set apart for the reception of distinguished strangers, is situated in the Turkish quarter of the town, and all the houses around are inhabited by Mussulmans.

Sister Cecilia tells me that all the great men began in the Indian Service." "Oh! I wonder where they finished. Royal Academy finishing Academy. Regimentals and a gold frame leaning heroically on a mild-looking cannon with battles in the background." "Yes, dear," replied Mrs. Agar, who only half understood Dora Glynde at all times; "it is such a good thing for Jem.

The maid-servant took the card, and half closed the door. At least three minutes elapsed before she reappeared. "Missis says it's late, sir; but walk in." The parson accepted the not very gracious invitation, stepped across the little hall, and entered the parlour. Old John Avenel, a mild-looking man, who seemed slightly paralytic, rose slowly from his armchair. Mrs.

What business had I to approach the white door or touch the glittering knocker? In what way could it possibly be the interest of the inhabitants of that dwelling to serve me? Yet I drew near and knocked. A mild-looking, cleanly-attired young woman opened the door.

One of the Junior Scientists on your Project mentioned the 112-113 unit. That brought it to mind. Is this 113?" "No," said Holati Tate. "But it appears to be a duplicate of it." He was a mild-looking little man, well along in years, sparse and spruce in his Precol uniform.

Some months earlier that is to say, about six months after Jack's departure Sir John had called casually upon an optician. He stood upright by the counter, and frowned down on a mild-looking man who wore the strongest spectacles made, as if in advertisement of his own wares. "They tell me," he said, "that you opticians make glasses now which are calculated to save the sight in old age."

When it arrived, a mild-looking native, of apparently forty years of age, came on board, and, taking off his straw hat, made us a low bow. He was clad in a respectable suit of European clothes; and the first words he uttered, as he stepped up to Jack and shook hands with him, were "Good day, gentlemen. We are happy to see you at Mango; you are heartily welcome."

Matheny, who was a mild-looking man of about fifty, with a hesitating manner and rather care-worn countenance, half concealed under a wide-brimmed, dusty black hat, instead of meeting half-way the extended hand of his friend's friend, thrust his own into his pockets and gazed fixedly at young Randolph. "Be ye Boone Randolph, or be ye his sperrit?" he asked, hoarsely.

No one of all the band assembled there on that day of rejoicing required to ask what it was all about. Had any one been in doubt for a moment, a glance at the centre of the crowd assembled round the gate of the western fortress would have quickly enlightened him; for there stood Dick Varley, and his mild-looking mother, and his loving dog, Crusoe.

"I was thinking of old John Moore to-day does he still drive that team of black ponies?" the housekeeping sister, a mild-looking woman of thirty, would ask of Sam at the dinner table, breaking in on a conversation of baseball, or a tale by one of the boarders of a new office building to be erected in the Loop.