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Updated: August 16, 2024

They had found her photograph in Inspector Vérot's memorandum-book, and then and then all the rest: your accusations, your certainties. Was all that modified by Sauverand's story? To your mind, was Florence innocent or guilty?" He hesitated, seemed on the point of replying directly and frankly to my question, but could not bring himself to do so, and said: "I wished to have confidence.

"Excuse me," said I as he looked up, "I have lost my memorandum-book, and think it possible I may have dropped it in the passage-way when I went for the wine." He bowed, and I hurried past him into the closet. Once there, I proceeded rapidly into the room beyond, procured the pistol, returned, and almost before I realized what I was doing, had taken up my position behind him, aimed, and fired.

Isn't it to-day that I am to return you the three hundred dollars borrowed last week?" "I don't remember, but can tell you in a moment," replied A , replacing his glasses, and taking from a pigeon-hole in the desk before which he sat a small memorandum-book. After consulting this, he replied "Yes: you are right. It is to be returned to-day." "So I thought. Very well.

But Aunt Hepsy, since she had given up tailoring, was something of a recluse herself. The house was full of books, mostly queer books, "in languages nobody knows what," as Aunt Hepsy said, which made Philip open his eyes when he went there one day to take to the old man a memorandum-book which he had found on Mill Brook.

Of the first it is unnecessary to say more; but the following extract from the poet's travelling memorandum-book, has been supposed to contain the germ of the tragedy "September 22, 18 16. Left Thun in a boat, which carried us the length of the lake in three hours.

He saw M. Fauvel's memorandum-book lying on the table. "Watch!" he said to Raoul. Seizing the note-book, he hurriedly turned over the leaves, and, in an undertone, read: "Gaston, Marquis of Clameran, Oloron, Lower Pyrenees." "Well, does finding out his address assist us?" inquired Raoul, eagerly. "It may save us: that is all. Let us return to the drawing-room; our absence might be observed.

The elderly lady rustled in silks and satins, and bore upon her head a structure resembling the fashion in the ladies' memorandum-book for the year 1770 a superb piece of architecture, not much less than a modern Gothic castle, of which the curls might represent the turrets, the black pins the chevaux de frise, and the lappets the banners.

The contents of the pockets had been taken out, and consisted only of some pawnbroker's duplicates, a cigar-case, and a memorandum-book, which last he took in his hand, and began to unfasten, without looking at it, while he took part in the conversation of the surgeons on the technical nature of the injuries.

In revenge, she snatched from his pocket his little black memorandum-book and some letters and read, or pretended to read them, and seizing her opportunity she broke from him and ran with the utmost fleetness up into the rocks. In two minutes they had forgotten the episode almost as completely as if it never had been. But when they left for home, they agreed they would not meet there again.

The Colonel read it and returned it, after pencilling the name of the writer in his memorandum-book. 'This, sir, does not seem to require much discussion. I will see that Miss Bertram's interest is attended to. 'But, sir, but, Colonel Mannering, added Glossin, 'there is another matter which no one can explain but myself. This lady this Mrs.

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