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"The negative was broken in two, right across the forehead of figure. I put the pieces carefully away, and taking out a memo. form, wrote to Mr. Thompson, asking him to kindly give another sitting, and offering to recoup him for his trouble and loss of time. This letter was posted five minutes after the negative was broken, and the affair was forgotten by me for the time.

As we were working the wind turned the sheets of his memo. book and I saw that he had in it a copy of an order in my line to another firm. This he had given only a few days before. Every season this druggist would really buy one big bill of wall paper, but this was his trick: He would look at the line of every man that came along. Sometimes he would place six or eight orders a season.

Far from committing himself to any dissent, when Mr O'Brien, after a fortnight, wrote to Mr Sexton for the return of his Memorandum, Mr Sexton wrote: "I have read the Memo. carefully two or three times and now return it to you as you want to use it and have no other copy. It will take some time to look into your proposals with anything like sufficient care.

Well, I'll do it if so be yer wish it, but I won't take the 'sponsibility of it at the Day o' Judgment. 'I don't want ye to' sez 'e, quite peart. 'I'll take it myself. An' if ye'll believe me, David, 'e sits down an' writes me what 'e calls a 'Memo' of what 'e wants put on the grave stone, an' it's the biggest whopper I've iver seen out o' the noospapers.

Ideas were always popping up in the midst of his work, and never giving him rest till he had noted them down on memo.-papers. He carried about, on the backs of envelopes, such notes as these: Join country clb take R dances there? Basket of fruit for R Invite Mason W lunch Orgnze Tcar tour NY to SF Newspaper men on tour probly Forbes Rem Walter's new altitude 16,954 R to Astor Roof Rem country c

Knowing our circumstances, my grandmother was accustomed, when writing to me, to enclose a stamp to enable me to reply. These I saved, and with them sent my book to the leading Sydney publisher. After waiting many weeks I received a polite memo to the effect that the story showed great ability, but the writer's inexperience was too much in evidence for publication.

Furneaux said nothing for some reason he did not emphasize the fact to his companion that a sentry should have been found stationed there but a sharp glance at the policeman warned the latter that he ran considerable risk of a subsequent reprimand. Conscious of rectitude, Farrow saluted, and produced his notebook. "I've just made a memo of this, sir," he said, pointing to an entry.

Will you stop smiling in that inscrutable way and tell me what you mean? Mrs. Mallowe told. 'And you mean to say that it is absolutely Platonic on both sides? 'Absolutely, or I should never have taken it up. 'And his last promotion was due to you? Mrs. Mallowe nodded. 'And you warned him against the Topsham Girl? Another nod. 'And told him of Sir Dugald Delane's private memo about him?

"I'll probably get word on it by the time someone has it all organized into a nice, official memo," Flannery said. "Back him up on that celebration. It's worth a celebration to find out both worlds are that close to maturity. Coming over for bridge tonight?" Harding shook his head. "I'll be up to my elbows in bills for the relief of Cathay and Kloomiria. It's a mess, even if it could be worse.

So, if you've any little errands you want done at the store, Ma, just make a memo of them while I hitch up." The matter of shoeing the sorrel mare was beyond Ma's province, although she had her own suspicions about the sorrel mare's need of shoes. "Why can't you give up beating about the bush, Pa?" she demanded, with contemptuous pity. "You might as well own up what's taking you to Carmody.