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Updated: August 13, 2024

But I 'ad thought 'im superior to it. Ah! poor 'uman natur, as 'Uxley says!" and Briggs sighed. "Lady Errington is a sweet creetur, Mamzelle a very sweet creetur! Has a rule I find the merest nod of my 'ed a sufficient saloot to a woman of the aristocracy but for 'er, Mamzelle, I never fail to show 'er up with a court bow!" And involuntarily Briggs bowed then and there in his most elegant manner.

"What, Vi?" he exclaimed with a lazy wink. "Vi, of the Hopperer-Buff? You've 'erd of 'er surely, Mamzelle? No? Dukes, Lords, an' Royal 'Ighnesses she's the style for 'em! Mag-ni-ficent creetur! all legs and arms! I won't deny but wot I 'ave an admiration for 'er myself I bought a 'arf-crown portrait of 'er quite recently."

"Some day, Mamzelle," the Captain said, "I will take you and the children a little jaunt on our own account. We will take a boat and go up the river to a dear little spot which I know very well, and there we will have tea and pretend to be Robinson Crusoes on a desert island.

"No, Mamzelle," he said at last, when he rose from the table to return to his duties upstairs "No! there I must differ from you. I am a close observer. Wotever Winsleigh's faults, and I do not deny that they are many, he is a gentleman-that I must admit and with hevery respect for you, Mamzelle I can assure you he's no fool!"

To his profound surprise the Manager found himself acknowledging it, with like dignity. At eight o'clock that evening she sat before the glass in her dressing-room and awaited the shouted summons of the impish call-boy, who respected no one on earth, and to whom she was never "Mamzelle" or "Señora," but only Arithelli.

Mamzelle Paddy began and continued her work in the Wallace nursery with complete satisfaction to all concerned.

How did you ever persuade the mother to take you?" Mamzelle Paddy tossed her head with complacent pride. "'Deed, me dear, the room was packed with them, and natives at that, and she chose me before the whole bunch. I'm not supposed to teach them anything but French, and I don't teach that except by playing games.

"I am so sorry, Mamzelle," she faltered. "Indeed, it is not my fault. I had to promise. I was not to tell any one till we went to Nantes. I kept hoping we would go. Now we never shall. And I do want to tell them." Here was a clew and Mademoiselle's quick wit followed it.

"You'd be in your helement!" "I should I should indeed!" exclaimed Mamzelle, with sudden excitement, then as suddenly growing calm, she made a rapid gesture with her hands "But there will be no divorce. Milord Winsleigh is a fool!" Briggs appeared doubtful about this, and meditated for a long time over his third glass of port with the profound gravity of a philosopher.

It was Mamzelle Paddy, darling, to whom I confided my story, and who comforted me in her own sweet fashion. And she is your sister, and it is she who has brought us together! Bridgie, if I didn't love you with all my heart, I believe I should still have to marry you, for nothing else than to be Mamzelle's brother." But Bridgie did not affect to be jealous.

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