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The main part of the road was dry and hard again; but all dips and holes were wells of liquid mud, which bespattered the two of them from top to toe as the buggy bumped carelessly in and out. Mahony diverted himself by thinking of what he could give Polly with this sum. It would serve to buy that pair of gilt cornices or the heavy gilt-framed pierglass on which she had set her heart.

But as the evening advanced his seat remained empty even while the curtain was up, and she was glad when, between the fourth and fifth acts, her husband at last appeared. On his way to her Mahony ran into his brother-in-law, and John buttonholed him to discuss with him the prospects of the morrow.

He got an excellent hearing so Jerry reported, who was an eye and ear-witness of the scene and was afterwards borne shoulder-high into the hotel. With Jerry at his heels, Mahony called at the hotel that evening. He found John entertaining a large impromptu party.

'Tom-foolery, Sir, is an unpleasant word! cried the little doctor, firing up, for he was a game-cock. 'Tom Toolery he means, interposed Devereux, 'the pleasantest word, on the contrary, in Chapelizod. Pray, allow me to say a word a degree more serious. Mahony, who acted the part of second to Mr.

They were on their way to the Mechanics' Hall, to hear a lecture on Mesmerism. Mahony had looked forward to this all through the sorry job of choosing soaps and candles. The subject piqued his curiosity. It was the one drop of mental stimulant he could hope to extract from his visit.

And presently, laying down his book Polly was too busy now to be read to Mahony looked across at his wife. She was wrinkling her pretty brows over the manufacture of tiny clothes, a rather pale little woman still, none of the initial discomforts of her condition having been spared her. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked up and smiled: did ever anyone see such a ridiculous armhole?

An' now I mus' look smart, an' get you a bite o' somethin' after your ride." In vain did Mahony assure her that he had lunched on the road. He did not know Mrs. Beamish. He was forced not only to sit down to the meal she spread, but also, under her argus eye, to eat of it. When after a considerable delay Polly at length appeared, she had removed all traces of the tub.

"Oh, the money went in the commotion; and although I have got some seven pounds odd shillings of it, the war was a most expensive one to me. I caught old Mahony very busy under the table during the fray; but let us say no more about it now draw over your chair. Tea or coffee? there's the rum if you like it 'chasse."

At this rate, and with his engaging ways, he would soon stand for a little god to the rough, artless crowd. No, he must leave the diggings and Mahony rolled various schemes in his mind. He had it! In the course of the next week or two business would make a journey to Melbourne imperative. Well, he would damn the extra expense and take the boy along with him!

She was going driving to Yarangobilly that day with Archdeacon Long to see a new arrival Richard had recently brought into the world; and now she laid plans to kill two birds with one stone, entering into the scheme with a gusto that astonished Mahony. "Upon my word, wife, I believe you're glad to have something to do." "Will my own papa gimme a dolly? ... like Uncle Papa?" here piped Trotty.