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Vain were their alarmed looks of remonstrance; and in another moment all the party had separated, and only Max Graub and Axel Regor remained on the pavement outside the tavern, disconsolately watching two figures disappearing in the semi-shadowed moonlight Pasquin Leroy and Lotys walking closely side by side.

And the gay ship bearing them onward, danced over the smiling, singing, siren waves, as if she too had a human heart to feel and rejoice! and in her swift course swept lightly over the very spot, now tranquil and radiant, where but a short while since, the body of Lotys had gone down, companioned by the King. Gloria leaning over the deck-rail looked dreamily into the sparkling water.

So, in perfect passiveness, he awaited his end. Suddenly, as if a bell had chimed in the distance, or a voice had sung some old familiar song in his ears, he saw, clearly visioned in all the flying spray of the tempest a face! not the face of Lotys but a soft, childish, piteous little countenance, framed in curling tendrils of hair, with trusting sweet eyes, raised to his own in holiest, simplest confidence!

"No, I have not heard that," said Lotys; "But why was he allowed to go without being punished for his dishonesty?" "To punish him, would have involved the punishment of many more associated with him," replied Thord; "His estates are confiscated; the opportunity was given him to escape, in order to avoid further Ministerial scandals, and he has taken the chance afforded him!" She was silent.

All the rest of the guests at the supper-board were men, and all of them members of the Revolutionary Committee. When Pasquin Leroy and his friends entered, there was a general clapping of hands, and the pale countenance of Lotys flushed a delicate rose-red, as she extended her hand to each.

Zouche looked full at him. "As King," he answered, "I seek nothing from you! As comrade" and his accents faltered "I would fain break bad news to you gently I would spare you as much as possible and give you time to face the blow, for I know you loved her! Lotys " The monarch's heart almost stood still. What was this hesitating tone these great tears in Zouche's eyes?

"And who will see you home, Lotys?" enquired Thord. "May I for once have that honour?" asked Pasquin Leroy. His two companions stared in undisguised amazement, and there was a moment's silence. Then Lotys spoke. "You may!" she said simply. There was another silence while she put on her hat, and wrapped herself in her long dark cloak. Then Thord took Pequita by the hand. "Good-night, Lotys!"

Compare the tame pink- and-white prettiness of youth with the face of Lotys, and that prettiness becomes like a cheap advertisement on a hoarding or a match- box! Contrast the perfect features, eyes and hair of the newest social 'beauty, with the magical expression, the glamour in the eyes of Lotys, and perfection of feature becomes the rankest ugliness!

"Shall I dance now?" enquired Pequita. Lotys smiled and nodded. Four or five of the company at once got up, and helped to push aside the table. "Will you play for me, Monsieur Valdor?" asked the little girl, still standing by the side of Zouche. "Of course, my child! What shall it be?

And she watched the vessel bearing the corpse of Lotys, gliding, gliding over the waves she tracked the circling concourse of boats that went with it and waited, with quickened breath and eager eyes, till she saw a sudden pause in the procession when, riding lightly on a shining wave, the funeral-ship seemed to stop for an instant and then, with a bird-like dip forward, scurried out with full, bulging sails to the open sea!