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Kingdoms would have been seized and controlled by men such as you are, long before now if there had not always been a woman in the case a Cleopatra or a Lotys!" Still laughing foolishly, he reeled onwards, Sergius Thord half- supporting, half-leading him, with grave carefulness and brotherly compassion.

See now! look at the eyes of Lotys reproaching me! You would think they were the eyes of an angel, gazing at a devil in the sweet hope of plucking him out of hell!" "Such a hope would be vain in your case, Zouche," said Lotys tranquilly; "You make your own hell, and you must live in it! Nevertheless, in some of the wild things you say, there is a grain of truth.

"Ah!" She paused a moment, then with another low breathed 'good-night' she left the room. He looked at the door as it closed behind her at the chair she had left vacant. "Lotys!" he whispered. His whisper came hissing softly back to him in a fine echo on the empty space, and with a great sigh he rose, and began to turn out the flaring lamps above his head. "Power!

"Lotys is dead!" went on Zouche, speaking in a slow monotonous way. "This morning, the first thing they found her. She had killed herself. The pistol was in her hand. And they are laying her out with flowers, like a bride, or a queen, and you can go and see her at rest so, for the last time, if you will! This is my message! It is a message from the dead!"

Once in a hundred centuries a woman is born like Lotys, to drive men mad with desire for the unattainable to fire them with such ambition as should make them emperors of the world, if they had but sufficient courage to snatch their thrones and yet, to fill them with such sick despair at their own incompetency and failure, as to turn them into mere children crying for love for love! only love!

As soon as they were gathered round the table under the presidency of Sergius Thord at one end, and the tranquil tolerance of the mysterious Lotys at the other, they broke through the silence and reserve which they had carefully maintained till their three new comrades had been irrecoverably enrolled among them, and conversation went on briskly.

Among the countless bouquets offered to the triumphant little dancer, came one which was not thrown from the audience, but was brought to her by a messenger; it was a great cluster of scarlet carnations, and attached to it was a tiny velvet case, containing the ring promised to her by Pasquin Leroy, when, as he had said, she 'should dance before the King. A small card accompanied it on which was written 'Pequita, from Pasquin! Turning to Lotys, who, in the event of further turbulence, had accompanied her to the Opera that night to take care of her, and who sat grave, pale, and thoughtful, in one of the dressing-rooms near the stage, the child eagerly showed her the jewel, exclaiming: "See!

Thy love to us is but thine own serving!" and so turn and rend their best benefactors. With the loss of Lotys, he lost the one mainspring of faith and enthusiasm which would have helped him to match himself against his destiny and do battle with it.

As you all know, I have no interests to serve; I am only Lotys, your own poor friend, one who works with you, and dwells among you, seeing and sharing your hard lives, and wishing with all my heart that I could help you to be happier and freer!

A mountainous billow broke over the deck, half stunning him with the shock of its cold onslaught, and sweeping the coffin of Lotys almost over the edge of the vessel. He threw himself beside that dreary casket, fastening his own body with strong rope knotted many times, to its heavy leaden mass, resolved to sink with it painlessly, and without a struggle.