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"I swear in the name of God, and in the presence of Lotys, that I will faithfully work for the Cause of the Revolutionary Committee, and that I will adhere to its rules and obey its commands, till all shall be done that is destined to be done! And may the death I deserve come suddenly upon me if ever I break my vow!"

Signed and sealed in the blood of Lotys, they had responded to the magnetism of her name with the prompt obedience of waves rising to the influence of the moon, and Sergius, full of a thousand wild schemes for the regeneration of the People, was more happy to know them as subjects to her power, than as adherents to his own cause.

The strangeness of the situation the deliberate coolness and resolve with which this sovereign ruler of a powerful kingdom laid his life trustingly in his hands, was too much for his nerve. "Lotys!" he said huskily; "Lotys!" She rose at once and came to him, moving ghostlike in her white draperies, her eyes shining her lips tremulous. "Lotys," he said, "The King is in our hands!

The heavy purple clouds which had arisen in the west at sunset, when all that was mortal of Lotys had been sent forth to a lonely burial in the sea, had gradually spread over the whole sky, darkening in hue as they moved, and rolling together in huge opaque masses, which presently began to close in and become denser as the night advanced.

To wrong Lotys by so much as a thought, is to wrong the truest woman God ever made!"

Paul Zouche was not very steady on his feet, and two of his comrades assisted him to walk as he stumbled off, singing somewhat of a ribald rhyme in mezza-voce. Pasquin Leroy and his two friends were the last to go. Lotys looked at them all three meditatively. "You will be faithful?" she said. "Unto death!" answered Leroy.

His brain whirled, his pulses throbbed, his eyes rested on Lotys with a passionate longing; something of the god-like as well as the heroic warmed his soul, for Danger and Death stood as intimately close to him as Safety and Victory! What a strange, what a marvellous card he held in the game of life! and yet one false move might mean ruin and annihilation!

Good-night!" "Good-night!" returned the hunchback "I thank you, Madame! I thank you, gentlemen!" And with a slight salutation, not devoid of grace, he left the room. Zouche was sulky, and pushing aside his glass of beer, poured out for himself some strong spirit from a bottle instead. "You do not favour me to-night, Lotys," he said irritably "You interrupt and cross me in everything I say!"

"Good-bye, Lotys!" he said, huskily; "My one love in this world and the next! Good-bye!" She gazed at him with her whole soul in her eyes, then suddenly, and with the tenderest grace in the world, dropped on her knees and kissed his hand. "God save your Majesty!" she said, with a poor little effort at smiling through her tears; "For many and many a long and happy year, when Lotys is no more!"

The supper, which was of a simple, almost frugal character, was soon served, and the landlord, in setting the first plate before Lotys, laid beside it a knot of deep crimson roses, as an offering of homage and obedience from himself. She thanked him with a smile and glance, and taking up the flowers, fastened them at her breast.