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Updated: August 4, 2024

They all descended the stair-way leading to the lower part of the yacht, and Macfarlane asked as he followed his host "Is the lass vera bonnie did ye say?" "Bonnie's not the word for it this time," said Lorimer, coolly answering instead of Errington. "Miss Gueldmar is a magnificent woman.

He took it just as it was given. The two women lived too quietly to have heard of him. Otto never told them the truth; but outside the house his deference made up for the familiarity at home. It has been a pretty story to watch, and it has meant a comfortable life for two half-starved women." "Who was the man?" Bobby asked idly. "Lorimer. Sidney Lorimer."

Her worried little face only drew into more anxious lines. "Stephen," she said, "I do wish you would consult Dr. Tudor before you quite decide to have Jeanie home at present." The Vicar's mouth turned down, and he looked for a moment so extremely unpleasant that Mrs. Lorimer quailed.

I must see Lorimer about this tomorrow. Perhaps he can throw some light upon the matter.

Clarkson had said. "And I think myself, sir," she added, "that Miss Ruth will be all the better of a cheerful change. She worrits herself with fancies." Ruth looked earnestly up at her father's face, but said nothing. "Worries herself?" repeated Mr. Lorimer, with a puzzled frown. "What can she have to worry about?

'Hullo, said Mr Wells, 'has the beauty of the work come home to you already? 'You notice, he said, as he repeated the couplet, 'that flaws begin to appear in the gem right from the start. It was rash of Master Lorimer to attempt such a difficult metre. Plucky, but rash. He should have stuck to blank verse. Tyre, you notice, two syllables to rhyme with "deny her" in line three.

"Why?" asked Lorimer, with some eagerness. "Because " he stopped abruptly as a white figure suddenly appeared at the doorway, and a musical voice addressed them "Why, what are you both doing here, away from everybody?" and Thelma smiled as she approached. "You are hermits, or you are lazy! People are going in to supper. Will you not come also?" "Ma foi!" exclaimed Duprez; "I had forgotten!

Lorimer, Miss Carrington desires to speak with you." For some reason I drew Harry with me. It may have been that I felt the company of a comrade of my own kind would be comforting in that assembly; and then I forgot everything as, fixing her bright eyes on me, Grace held out her hand. "It was kind of you to meet me, and this is an unexpected pleasure," she said.

Who the devil, do you think, is to burst a bloodvessel by hollowing here all day?" Mr Lorimer, though used to considerable indignities, as we have already seen, had still a little of the becoming poetical pride about him, and looked rather angrily over the wall. "Nobody wishes you to break bloodvessels, or have their own ears disturbed by your screaming," he said. "What do you want?"

"It's no sae grand a sight as a sunset in Skye. And it's an uncanny business to see the sun losin' a' his poonctooality, and remainin' stock still, as it were, when it's his plain duty to set below the horizon. Mysel', I think it's been fair over-rated. It's unnatural an' oot o' the common, say what ye like." "Of course it is," agreed Lorimer, who just then sauntered in from his cabin.

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