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Updated: August 4, 2024

Is it strange, therefore, that I should have regarded with increasing astonishment and uneasiness a country in all respects alluring to the desires of man yet found him not there in lordly possession? Beauty and intellect, wealth and industry, splendor and careful economy, natures lofty and generous, gentle and loving why has not Man claimed this for himself?

When she defended our coasts, she fought for her customers, and convoyed our ships loaded with wealth, which we had acquired for her by our industry. She has treated us as beasts of burthen, whom the lordly masters cherish that they may carry a greater load. Let us inquire also against whom she has protected us?

Then spake the doughty Hagen: "As well as I can tell, for I have not seen the lord long time, they ride as if 'twere Rudeger from the Hunnish land, a lordly knight and a brave." "How can I believe," spake at once the king, "that the lord of Bechelaren be come to this land?" When King Gunther had ended his speech, Hagen, the brave, espied the good knight Rudeger.

Then as you walk round, pulling her, you see little men running about her deck, and sails rise magically and catch the breeze, and you put in on dirty nights at snug harbours which are unknown to the lordly yachts. Night passes in a twink, and again your rakish craft noses for the wind, whales spout, you glide over buried cities, and have brushes with pirates, and cast anchor on coral isles.

His long hair floated with a careless grace over a brow more calm and thoughtful than became his years; his manner was unusually quiet and self-collected, and not without a certain stateliness, rendered more striking by the height of his stature, a lordly contour of feature, and a serene but settled expression of melancholy in his eyes and smile.

"Liberty is scarcely the word," said Hugo Canning, fighting the lady's battle with lordly assurance. "Miss Heth declines to hear...." But the stranger's vivid voice bore him down: "Do you, Miss Heth?... The situation is terribly serious, you see. I don't want to alarm you unnecessarily, but I I'm afraid he may take matters into his own hands " Canning took an impatient step forward.

It was his wont to pass through life in lordly isolation and to astonish the world by his successes. That was all he needed. Yawning he stretched himself out on the chaise longue. Time dragged. Three hours would pass until Ludi's probable return. He was so accustomed to the woman's society that he almost longed for her. Her idle chatter helped him. Her little tricks refreshed him.

But above all cries comes one whereat every stone in this and other lordly mansions may totter and quake for fear: "Se...c...ond Edition of the Morning Herald L...a...test news from Paris: arrival of the King of the French." I have gone out and bought the said portentous Herald, and send it herewith, that you may read and know. As the human race forever stumbles up its great steps, so it is now.

The present situation is the one we're interested in, not the lordly past of your humble and, I trust, obedient servant." His smile was most engaging, but back of it the two seamen read strength, decision, integrity. The gay, bantering, whilom attitude of this unusual young man was not assumed. It was not a pose.

If we talk of common sense, we are twitted with vulgar prejudice, and asked how we distinguish the one from the other; but common and received opinion is indeed 'a compost heap' of crude notions, got together by the pride and passions of individuals, and reason is itself the thrall or manumitted slave of the same lordly and besotted masters, dragging its servile chain, or committing all sorts of Saturnalian licenses, the moment it feels itself freed from it.

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