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But no matter. What you wants is to get out of this confounded old Platter, quick time, ain't it now? to get down to Loango and go out on the bust, eh?" The Christy Minstrels acquiesced. "Then," said Joseph, "obey orders and be hanged to yer." It had been apparent to Meredith for some weeks past that the man Nattoo, whom he had just shot, was bent on making trouble.

The use both of horses and of chariots by royal personages may often have been intended to prevent their sacred feet from touching the ground. Satapatha Brâhmana, translated by Julius Eggeling, Part iii. Letter of Missionary Krick, in Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, xxvi. pp. 86-88. Pechuel-Loesche, "Indiscretes aus Loango," Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, x. pp. 29 sq.

With her deep, patient smile she obeyed him, eating little and carelessly, like a woman in some distress. "When will they come down to Loango?" she asked suddenly, without looking at him. "Ah! that I can't tell you. We left quite in a hurry, as one may say, with nothin' arranged. Truth is I think we all feared that the guv'nor had got his route.

Again, newly born infants are strongly tabooed; accordingly in Loango they are not allowed to touch the earth. Among the Iluvans of Malabar the bridegroom on his wedding-day is bathed by seven young men and then carried or walks on planks from the bathing-place to the marriage booth; he may not touch the ground with his feet.

It is not known in Loango that you had small-pox in the camp." "Well, you see, when he left we were not quite sure about it." "I imagine Mr. Durnovo knows all about small-pox. We all do on this coast. He could hardly help recognising it in its earliest stage." She turned on him with a smile which he remembered afterwards.

"Ten miles above the camping-ground where we first met," he had told Meredith, "you will find a village where I have my headquarters. There is quite a respectable house there, with a a woman to look after your wants. When you have fixed things up at Loango, and have arranged for the dhows to meet my steamer, take up all your men to this village Msala is the name and send the boats back.

He handed her the thin, white submarine telegraph-form with its streaks of adhesive text. "Relief entirely successful. Meredith Joseph returned Loango. Meredith bad health." Jocelyn drew a deep breath. "So that's all right eh?" said Maurice heartily. "Yes," answered Jocelyn, "that is all right." Angels call it heavenly joy; Infernal tortures the devils say; And men? They call it Love.

Jack Meredith had carried his point. Maurice and Jocelyn were to sail with him to England by the first boat. Jocelyn and he compiled a telegram to be sent off first thing by a native boat to St. Paul de Loanda. It was addressed to Sir John Meredith, London, and signed "Meredith, Loango." The text of it was: "I bring Jocelyn home by first boat."

It was probable that Millicent Chyne was in the rooms; and she never doubted that she would know her face. "And I suppose you know that part of the world very well?" said Lady Cantourne, who had detected a change in her companion's manner. "Oh yes." "Have you ever heard of a place called Loango?" "Oh yes. I live there." "Indeed, how very interesting!

Various modifications of this position are, however, found. Thus, in some parts of the world, as among the Suahelis in Zanzibar, the male partner adopts the supine position. In Loango, according to Pechuel-Loesche, coitus is performed lying on the side.