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Later members of that house who had passed away lay in the small thicket-choked burial ground a hundred yards to the side. "Hit's a right fantastic notion," complained old Caleb who had come out to join them there, "ter be wedded outdoors under a tree, stid of indoors under a roof," but the girl turned and laid a hand on his arm, and her eyes livened with a glow of feeling and tenderness.

At this time it became the Mecca of two score or more joyous cowboys from the neighboring ranches, who livened things as those knights of the saddle could. In the scant but heavy shadow of Cowan's saloon sat a picturesque figure from whom came guttural, resonant rumblings which mingled in a spirit of loneliness with the fretful sighs of a flea-tormented dog.

Put on thoughts in a minute. Dress oneself up in phrases, hats, skyscrapers, and become somebody. Rachel's eyes livened slowly. Pleasant to be nobody a bodyless, meaningless smile awake in the morning. Opened eyes on a pillow. A deep, deep sigh on a pillow. An oblong of sunshine on the floor. A happy bed. A happy ceiling. A happy door. Nothing else. Nobody else.

You comprehend?" Fitzgerald nodded. "It all lies in the hollow of my hand. Breitmann made one mistake; he should have pushed me off the boat, into the dark. He knows that I know. And there he confuses me. But, I repeat, he is not vicious, only mad." "Where will it be?" "It will not be;" and M. Ferraud smiled as he livened up the burnt wick of his candle. "Treachery on the part of the drivers?

Her appearance came into a new light, under Hurstwood's appreciation. The situation livened considerably. " Now, let me see," said Hurstwood, looking over Carrie's shoulder very deferentially. " What have you?" He studied for a moment. " That's rather good," he said. " You're lucky. Now, I'll show you how to trounce your husband. You take my advice."

And all the time we sit inactive on the hilltop holding that thought. It's all we can do. We were livened up a bit last week because the village clown was on his home leave. He is a lad of twenty-three with a young wife and a little three-year-old girl, who has learned to talk since "dada" saw her, and is her father right over full of fun, good-humor, and laughter.

It gave him more respect for Carrie. Her appearance came into a new light, under Hurstwood's appreciation. The situation livened considerably. "Now, let me see," said Hurstwood, looking over Carrie's shoulder very deferentially. "What have you?" He studied for a moment. "That's rather good," he said. "You're lucky. Now, I'll show you how to trounce your husband. You take my advice."

Leaving the theatre, Henry had gone to bed almost instinctively. Bed seemed the only haven for him. 'My dear fellow, don't apologize. You have put me under lasting obligations. In the first place, with your unerring sense of the stage, you saw just the spot where the piece needed livening up, and you livened it up.

I shut one of the kittens up in a bureau drawer and forgot her; but Miss Hart found her before she got very dead, and she livened her up again. So, that's all right." "Not quite all right; but I'm sure you won't do it again. I can't seem to scold you when you're away from me, so do try to be a good girl, won't you, my Midget." "Yes, Mother, I truly will." And she did.

Dad hit her between the ears with his fist, and got down and ran back. "The boy'll be dead, Anderson," he cried, rushing inside again. "Come on then," Anderson said, "we'll take off his finger." Joe was looking drowsy. But, when Anderson took hold of him and placed the wounded finger on a block, and Dad faced him with the hammer and a blunt, rusty old chisel, he livened up.