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Langenau took no special notice of me then, and very little that was flattering when Mary Leighton and I began our lesson proper. Mrs. Hollenbeck, Charlotte, and Henrietta took up their books and left, when the infant class was called. I do not think Mr. Langenau took great pains to make the study of the German tongue of interest to Miss Leighton.

A low murmur, prelude of the coming storm, ran through the theatre, and Professor van Huysman permitted himself to snort distinctively, for which he was very promptly, though quietly, called to order by his daughter, who was sitting in front of the platform between him and Lord Leighton. Franklin Marmion paused for a moment and smiled ever so faintly.

"The Antelope," said Leighton. "Those lights under the greatest elm." "Would you please ask if he's there, and if he'd come for a turn with me. I don't think I'll go in." Leighton opened the door. They saw a little room, blue with tobacco-smoke. Flanking the fire were deep settles hiding all but the legs of the men who lounged in them.

How often have I found reason to regret, that Leighton had not clearly made out to himself the diversity of reason and the understanding! Ib. Serm. XV. p. 196.

"And if it's worse to be in New York, you see what your despair's done, mamma. But what's the use? You meant well, and I don't blame you. You can't expect even despair to come out always just the way you want it. Perhaps you've used too much of it." The girl laughed, and Mrs. Leighton laughed, too.

On August 16th, the division entrained for Leighton Buzzard, and the battalion spent four days in billets at Dunstable, 8 miles away, before setting out on the 20th on a 70-mile trek to its final destination at Chelmsford. In spite of the heat, the dusty roads and the small opportunities afforded since mobilisation for practice in marching, the journey was successfully accomplished in four days.

Tell me about it." Then for a long time Lewis talked of Nadir: of the life there, of the Reverend Orme, grown morose through unnamed troubles; of Mrs. Leighton, withered away till naught but patience was left; of happy mammy, grown sad; of Natalie, friend, playmate, and sacrifice. "So they wanted to marry your little pal into motherhood twenty times over, ready-made," said Leighton.

"Go easy, Dad," warned Lewis. "I'm going to, Boy," said Leighton. "You hear a lot of talk to-day on the shortcomings of marriage as an institution. The socialists and the suffragists and a lot of other near-sighted people have got it into their heads that we've outgrown marriage." Leighton puffed at his cigar.

The setting sun would come skipping over the hills and play in her hair, and Jeanette's hair would laugh laugh out loud. And I I would bury my face in it, as you bury your face in flowers, and wonder at the unshed tears that smarted in my eyes." Leighton stopped to sigh. It was a quivering sigh that made Lewis want to put out his hand and touch his father, but he was afraid to move.

"I suppose you're off to see your lady," he said casually. Lewis laughed. "Not yet. She isn't up until twelve ever." "Doesn't get up until twelve?" said Leighton. "You've found that out, eh?" "I didn't say 'doesn't get up'; I said 'isn't. She gets up early enough, but it takes her hours. I've never even heard of a woman that takes such care of herself." Leighton laid his paper aside.