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Mark's, there was a vast difference; that while the former might be Arthur with perfect propriety, the latter should be Mr. Leighton, in Anna's presence, at least. And yet the rector of St.

They do not live separate, but mix with those of the Church of England in the colleges. Potton, a village. Ampthill, a town; here we saw immense numbers of rabbits, which are reckoned as good as hares, and are very well tasted. We passed through the towns of Woburn, Leighton, Aylesbury, and Wheatley.

Leighton's mind wandered back to the tales of Lewis's little pal Natalie. "Tell me about her again," he said genially. "Again!" cried Lewis. "But you've never heard of her not from me, anyway." "What's her name?" asked Leighton, half aroused. "Her name," said Lewis, smiling absently into the fire, "is Folly Folly Delaires." Leighton was a trained stalker of dangerous game.

Aunt Deb's lecture, and what came of it My desire to go to sea still further increases My father, to satisfy me, visits Leighton Hall Our interview with Sir Reginald Knowsley Some description of Leighton Hall and what we saw there The magistrate's room A smuggler in trouble The evidence against him, and its worth An ingenious plea An awkward witness The prisoner receives the benefit of the doubt Sir Reginald consults my father, and my father consults Sir Reginald My expectations stand a fair chance of being realised The proposed crusade against the smugglers My father decides on taking an active part in it I resolve to second him.

This is not quite so perspicuous and single-sensed as Archbishop Leighton's sentences in general are. This effect is occasioned by the omission of the word "this," or "divine," or the truth "in Christ." Far otherwise is it with the truth that is the object of Christian faith: and it is this truth of which Leighton is speaking.

"I want to take possession of Lord Leighton for about half an hour, dear, if you don't mind. I've got something very serious to say to him. Dad, with the characteristic cowardice of his sex, has left it to me to say. It's well, it's about a mummy: a female mummy, or, at least, I suppose I ought to say a mummy that was once a female about five thousand years ago." "My dear Niti "

What possible interest can a five-thousand-year-old corpse have for him?" "Don't, Brenda, don't at least not just now! Wait till I've told you, and then you'll see," said Nitocris, pressing her arm closer to her side. "Lord Leighton is, as I think you know, an enthusiastic student of Egyptian antiquities. He was also, or thought he was, in love with my unworthy self.

Leighton as the lady of the house, and a humorous intelligence of the situation in the glance she threw Alma over her mother's shoulder. "Ah'm afraid we most have frightened you." "Oh, not at all," said Alma; and at the same time her mother said, "Will you walk in, please?" The gentleman promptly removed his hat and made the Leightons an inclusive bow.

We threw open the windows and aired the rooms, and washed our faces and hands: and Miss Lowder lay down on the bed and put her head on a pile of four of the little pillows collected from the different rooms. Mary Leighton spent the time in re-arranging her hair, and I walked up and down the hall, too impatient to rest myself in any way.

"The main power-reactors, too," Melroy said to himself, not realizing that he spoke audibly. "Too well shielded for the blast to get them, but the heat melted the fissionables down to critical mass." Leighton, the lighter still burning, was beside him, now. "That's not God, it can't be anything else! Why, the whole plant's gone!