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Frederic Spinola, at the age of thirty-two, a landsman and a volunteer, thinking to measure himself on blue water with such veterans as John Rant, Joost de Moor, and the other Dutchmen and Zeelanders whom it was his fortune to meet, could hardly escape the doom which so rapidly befell him.

As the water lapped at his chin, the outer door opened with a slow inward push which suggested that the machinery controlling it had grown sluggish with the years. Sssuri, perfectly at home, darted out as soon as the opening was large enough to afford him an exit. And his thought came back to reassure the more clumsy landsman. "We are in the shallows land rises ahead. The roots of an island.

When Gunning came aft, he was so ashamed of himself that I let him go, and he picked a mate from one of the quartermasters of the watch, while I turned the old fellow to as a landsman. This had no effect on his loquacity, however, for he never lost an opportunity for telling a sad yarn full of the woes of this life and the anticipated ones in the world to come.

I am afraid that, to a landsman, my panegyric may smack strongly of gush, for no one but a seaman can rightly appraise such doings as these; but I may be permitted to say that, when I think of men whom I feel glad to have lived to know, foremost among them rises the queer little figure of Paddy Gilroy. The wind still holding steadily in the old quarter, our skipper got very restless.

Theoretically exempt by virtue of his calling, whatever that might be, the landsman was in reality scarcely less marked down by the gang than his unfortunate brother the seafaring man; for notwithstanding all its professions to the contrary, Admiralty could not afford to ignore the potentialities of the reserve the landsman represented.

Even had there been any other course for us to choose, to escape perishing, we were in no condition to make any effectual opposition to the will of our new acquaintances. This fish story has several rather astonishing features at least to an inexperienced landsman.

Now if you have a loud voice, I can provide you with all the rest. 'Do you gain your livelihood by that? To be sure I do; and I can tell you, that of all the trades going, there is none equal to it. You see, my hearty, I have been on board of a man-of-war not that I'm a sailor, or was ever bred to the sea but I was shipped as a landsman, and did duty in the waist and afterguard.

They record them only incidentally, and the student rarely knows how typical are his data. "There is a flair which long practise and 'sympathetic touch' bestow. The trained observer learns how to profit by small indications, as an old seaman discerns, sooner than the landsman, the signs of coming storm."

"But I'm not a landsman," said Ruby. "Not a landsman!" echoed the other. "You're a blacksmith, aren't you?" "Ay, but not a landsman. I learned the trade as a boy and lad; but I've been at sea for some time past." "Then you won't get sick when it blows?" "Certainly not; will you?"

We had but just repeated our manoeuvre and kept away for not more than five minutes the railway embankment had been lost to view and the surf to hearing when I was aware of land again, not only on the weather bow, but dead ahead. I played the part of the judicious landsman, holding my peace till the last moment; and presently my mariners perceived it for themselves.