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The sun it was for him; and the moon; and the stars, hung about the earth as its lights guides to the mariner, reminders to the landsman of the Eye that never slumbered. The clouds shade and shower they were mercifully for Man. Nothing had meaning, possessed value, save as it derived meaning and value from him. Always Man, Man, Man, nothing but Man!

But confusion worse confounded is the result of this ambitious ignorance, confusion of brain to the sailor, and confusion of face to the landsman.

But d' you make out how that cloth is lashed to the bamboo? It was knotted on by a landsman. We'll find neither officers nor crew among the survivors." The steamer was now opposite the face of the headland, Meggs sprang into the pilot house. Within the next few moments the speed of the vessel fell off to less than a knot.

Frank strolled about the wharves for an hour or two, and then went on board. Before going on shore the following day, the captain gave him a certificate, saying that he had sailed in the Mississippi, and was a good, willing, and reliable hand. "You may not intend to go to sea again, but if you should, this will get you a better berth than if you had applied as a landsman.

M. de G. tells us all sorts of terrible experiences that he has heard from his men, and yet they all like the life wouldn't lead any other, and have the greatest contempt for a landsman. * There is a fruit stall at the corner of our street, where we stop every morning and buy fruit on our way down to the beach. We have become most intimate with the two women who are there.

And in a degree he was saved from the disgrace of being a landsman by the smell of tar and bloaters that heralded his coming, by the blue jersey and the brown homespun trousers which he wore all the week, and by the saving word which distinguished him from the poor inland lubbers who had no dealings with water at all.

"Man is mortal," so we yield to the temptation, especially as we are awfully hungry when is a sailor not so? Few meals present so much food for wonderment to the landsman as does a sailor's first dinner on board a newly-commissioned ship; all is hurry, bustle, and apparently hopeless confusion.

It must be understood that, though several sentences were spoken, not thirty seconds had elapsed after he had struck the water before the order to heave the ship to was given. She was also going but slowly through the water, though, from the way she was tumbling about, a landsman might have supposed she was moving at a great rate. "Does any one see him?" asked the captain.

It used to be said that if an unknown landsman showed himself in the streets, the boys would follow after him, crying, "Rock him! Rock him! He's got a long-tailed coat on!" Now if one opens the Odyssey, he will find that the Phaeacians, three thousand years ago, were wonderfully like these youthful Marbleheaders.

It may be worth while, therefore, previously to advert to those curious imaginary portraits of him which even down to the present day confidently challenge the faith of the landsman. It is time to set the world right in this matter, by proving such pictures of the whale all wrong.