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I was laith to make awa wi' the auld dowg, his like was na atween this and Thornhill, but, 'deed, sir, I could do naething else." I believed him. Fit end for Rab, quick and complete. His teeth and his friends gone, why should he keep the peace, and be civil?

But I'm laith to leave this place without a crack wi' you, and I kenna when I may see you again, for your folk dinna mak Protestants welcome, and that's ae reason that I hae never been here before." "Fusht, fusht," said Francie, "let that flee stick i' the wa' when the dirt's dry it will rub out; and come you awa wi' me, and I'll gie ye something better thau that beef bane, man."

It went on those betrothal vows, dictated while the two cold hands were linked, his with a kind of limp passiveness, hers, quaking, especially as, in the old use of York, he took her "for laither for fairer" laith being equivalent to loathly "till death us do part."

Like to die mends not the Kirkyard. Lordships changes manners. Let him drink as he hes browen. Light winning makes a heavy purse. Likely lies in the mire, and unlikely goes by it. Live, and let live. Love me, love my dog. Laugh, and lay down again. Livelesse, faultlesse. Laith to the drink, laith fra it. Last in bed, best heard. Lightly comes, lightly goes. Lads will be men.

'Do you charge any of my people with having taken it? 'I wad be laith to charge them that may be innocent, said my gudesire; 'and if there be any one that is guilty, I have nae proof. 'Somewhere the money must be, if there is a word of truth in your story, said Sir John; 'I ask where you think it is and demand a correct answer?

O, our Scots nobles wer richt laith To weet their cork-heild schoone; Bot lang owre a' the play wer played Thair hats they swam aboone. O lang, lang, may their ladies sit, Wi their fans into their hand, Or eir they see Sir Patrick Spence Cum sailing to the land. O lang, lang, may the ladies stand, Wi their gold kaims in their hair, Waiting for their ain deir lords, For they'll see them na mair.

But I'm laith to leave this place without a crack wi' you, and I kenna when I may see you again, for your folk dinna mak Protestants welcome, and that's ae reason that I hae never been here before." "Fusht, fusht," said Francie, "let that flee stick i' the wa' when the dirt's dry it will rub out; and come you awa wi' me, and I'll gie ye something better thau that beef bane, man."

I was laith to make awa wi' the auld dowg, his like wasna atween this and Thornhill but, 'deed, sir, I could do naething else." I believed him. Fit end for Rab, quick and complete. His teeth and his friends gone, why should he keep the peace, and be civil? Sir Agreeably to my promise, I now relate to you all the particulars of the lost man and child which I have been able to collect.

"Weel, sirs, I am laith to enter into deadly feud with you by spilling ony of your bluid, though Earnscliff hasna stopped to shed mine and he can hit a mark to a groat's breadth so, to prevent mair skaith, I am willing to deliver up the prisoner, since nae less will please you." "And Hobbie's gear?" cried Simon of Hackburn.

Knowledge is eith born about. Kings are out of play. Kings and Bears oft worries their Keepers. Laith to bed, laith out of it. Like draws to like, a skabbed Horse to an old dyke. Lear young, lear fair, Little intermitting makes good friends. Little sayd is soon mended, and a little geir is soon spended. Long tarrowing takes all the thank away. Long lean wakes hameald cattell.