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"I'd as soon not have my flaish creep down the spine 'pon Sundays as not," confessed Thomasin, "but Michael's Michael, an' so all's said." Uncle Chirgwin went to smoke a pipe and water his horse at this juncture; but he returned within less than ten minutes. "It's blowin'," he said, "an' the fust skew o' gray rain's breakin' over the sea. I knawed 'twas comin' by my corns.

"The reason is, 'what's bred in the bone comes out in the flesh. I knawed your faither. You'm as volatile as him wi'out his better paarts." "Leave him wheer he lies underground. If he'd lived 'stead of bein' cut off from life, you'd 'a' bin proud to knaw him." "A gypsy-man and no better, Will," said Mr. Blee. "Not but what he made a gude end, I allow." "Then I'll be up and away.

"Might have knawed he wouldn't walk along wi' me arter that," thought Billy. Then he lifted up his voice and bawled to the diminishing figure, already no more than a darker blot on the darkness of night. "For the Lard's love go in quiet an' gradual, or you'll scare the life out of 'em all." And the answer came back, "I knaw, I knaw; I ban't the man to do a rash deed!" Mr.

You knawed him awnly you an' me; but you 'm young yet, an' memory's so weak in young brains that you'll outlive it all an' forget." "Never, never, mother! Theer 's no more life for me not here. He's callin' to me callin' an' callin' from yonder." "You'll outlive an' forget," repeated the other. "I cannot, bein' as I am.

Indeed he heard little after the first rambling outburst, for his own thoughts were busy with the problems of Tregenza's fate. "Sit down, mariner. I shan't sail till marnin' an' you'm welcome. Theer be thots in me so deep as Levant mine, but I doan't speak 'em for anybody's hearin'. Joan weern't none o' mine, an' I knawed it, thanks be to God, 'fore ever she played loose.

Ban't meant you should give yourself up that's how I read it." "'T is cowardly, waitin' an' playin' into his hands; an' if you awnly knawed how this has fouled my mind wi' evil, an' soured the very taste of what I eat, an' dulled the faace of life, an' blunted the right feeling in me even for them I love best, you'd never bid me bide on under it.

A fortnight later you could 'a' looked on it wi' quiet mind an' knawed wheer to turn; to-day's it's just bin an' undone what was done. Not but what 'tis as butivul a letter as ever comed off the sea; but if theer'd awnly been time to 'stablish 'e 'fore it comed! Now you've turned your back 'pon the Household o' Faith just as arms was being stretched out that lovin'."

But if faither had knawed I weer never for Noy, he'd a' said more'n that. I ban't 'feared o' faither now I knaws you, Jan, but I be cruel 'feared o' bein' cussed, 'cause theer's times when cusses doan't fall to the ground but sticks. 'Twouldn' be well for the likes o' you to have a ill-wished, awver-luked body for wife. An' if faither knawed 'bout you, then I lay he'd do more'n speak.

"I knawed you was all us the same; I knawed you'd take me in. An' Mister Jan shall knaw. An' he'll love you for't when he do." "Come an' see me put the ewes an' lambs in the croft; then us'll gaw to dinner, an' I'll hear you tell me all 'bout en." He tried hard to put a hopeful face upon the position and, himself as simple as a child, presently found Joan's story not hopeless at all.

What I done weern't no sin, 'cause him, as be wiser an' cleverer an' better every way than any man in Carnwall, said 'tweern't; an' he knawed. I've heard wise things said, an' I've minded some an' forgot others. None can damn folks but God, when all's done, an' He's the last as would; for God do love even the creeping, gashly worms under a turned stone tu well to damn 'em. Much more humans.