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"Directly, little father." "These will help us to cross the Yenisei." "And the raft?" "Will be the kibitka itself, which is light enough to float. Besides, we will sustain it, as well as the horse, with these bottles." "Well thought of, little father," exclaimed Nicholas, "and by God's help we will get safely over... though perhaps not in a straight line, for the current is very rapid!"

On the way thither, he came face to face with the Kiaja coming in a wretched, two-wheeled kibitka, with a Russian coachman sitting in front of him to hide him as much as possible from the public view. He bellowed to the Kapudan Pasha not to go to Stambul as death awaited him there. At this the Kapudan Pasha simply shrugged his shoulders. What an idea!

Savéliitch followed me, grumbling "That's fun gossip of the Tzar! out of the frying-pan into the fire! Oh, Lord! how will it all end?" The "kibitka" followed at a walk. In five minutes we reached a little house, brilliantly lit up. The Quartermaster left me under the guard, and went in to announce his capture.

"No," answered the child, "it is the cat's fault. Afimua says it will die." "I shall look after it myself. Afimua has no pity." Motionless, Raisky watched the scene without his presence being suspected. This must be his cousin, and how charming! But which one, Veroshka or Marfinka? Without waiting for the kibitka to turn in through the gate, he ran forward, and stood before the young girl.

The snow fell in large flakes upon us, covering us. The horses went at a walking pace, but very soon stood still. "Why do you not go on?" I said to the coachman. "Go where?" he replied, as he got down from the kibitka. "God knows where we are now! There is no road; all is darkness." I began to scold him.

God has helped us; we have stumbled right upon the hedge of the dwelling. Come out, my lord, quick; come and warm yourself." I descended from the kibitka; the hurricane had not ceased, but it had moderated; sight was useless, it was so dark. The master of the house met us at the door, holding a lantern under the flaps of his long coat, the Cossack cafetan.

The chief advanced with amans of welcome, and the heavy-matted curtains in the kibitka doorway were raised, as we passed, in token of honor. When the refreshing kumiss was served around the evening camp-fire, the dangers of the journey through China were discussed among our hosts with frequent looks of misgiving.

At Tchislikar we are met by a lighter with several Turcoman passengers. The sea is pretty rough, and the united efforts of several boatmen are required to hoist aboard each long-gowned Turcoman, each woman and child. They are Turcoman traders going to Baku and Tiflis with bales of the famous kibitka hangings and carpets.

Now the hard clatter of hoofs and the rumbling, of wheels echoed from the archway, and the kibitka rolled into the courtyard. It stopped near the foot of the grand staircase. Boris, who sat upon the farther side, rose to alight, in order to hand down his wife; but no sooner had he made a movement than Prince Alexis, with lifted whip and face flashing fire, rushed down the steps.

He was so surprised by all that he saw and heard, that he asked no questions. Lying in darkness, he soon fell asleep. The next morning Pougatcheff sent for me. Before his door stood a kibitka, with three horses abreast. The street was crowded. Pougatcheff, whom I met in the entry of his hut, was dressed for a journey, in a pelisse and Kirghis cap.