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Updated: August 28, 2024

"O, some man's ketched his nigger tryin' to run away to our lines, an's goin' to kill him," answered the teamster indifferently. "Goin' to kill him," gasped the Deacon. "Are we goin' to 'low that?" "'Tain't none o' my business," said the teamster coolly. "It's his nigger; I reckon he's a right to do as he pleases." "I don't reckon nothin' o' the kind," said the Deacon indignantly.

"They made him believe I was a good rebel, and told him to look out for a boy in his stocking feet who was mounted on a roan colt." "And that's just what he done. I reckon he must a ketched a glimpse of Percival just before I fetched him into the house, for I had barely time to hide the roan colt and get the boy into the kitchen before I seen Swanson riding by.

"What's he done?" Joe asked. "Ketched sheep and pigs and fawns and run off with 'em." "What does he do with 'em?" "Eats 'em up. Now you quit. Here's a lot o' rocks and mud and I got to 'tend to business. You tackle yer mother and chase her up and down the hills a while and let me get my breath."

I'll sure spread yuh out so thin your hide'll measure up like a mountain lion! Don't yuh yowl at me like that! Come, kitty-kitty-kitty ni-ice kitty! Come to your old pard what ketched yuh the fattest young dog on the flat for your dinner. Come on, now; you ain't skeered uh me, shorely! Come on, Compadre ni-ice kitty!"

She looked over here when she went int' the house, 'n' she ketched my eye, though 't was half a mile away, so she never took a thing in with her, but soon as't was dark she made three trips out to the barn with a lantern, 'n' any fool could tell 't her arms was full o' pa'cels by the way she carried the lantern.

She rose ponderously. She seemed to sway and hesitate; then she set one foot cautiously forward in the pung. There was a rending, crash. The Widder Poll had stepped into the bass-viol. She gave a little scream; and plunged forward. "My foot's ketched!" she cried. "Can't you help me out?" Heman dropped the reins; he put his hands on her arms, and pulled her forward.

In a little time the flame and smoke appeared to die out, and we proceeded to make an examination for the cause. We found that the bear had advanced to the fire, and, with his paws, succeeded in scattering the brands. "He's an old fellow, and won't be ketched napping," said Jerry. "The only way is to meet him, on his own ground. I'll fix him!

"Git out of the way, you old four-eyed devil you!" Makin' light of my spectacles, I spoze, though truly I wuz too weak to reason. After doublin' me up in agony he sought safety in flight. But my indignant pardner ketched him by his little short-tailed coat and dragged him back to his ma, hollerin' at her: "I'll give you a specimen of your innocent boy!

"It's only hanging on by the strap over my neck." Waller did as he was told, and, pulling the strap over the man's head, he drew a big soft bundle into the room. "That's your sort," whispered Bunny. "If I tried to clamber in with that on it would have ketched."

See how black the old river is where she smashes inter Elbow Rock, an' how white them waves be where the water biles an' throws hitself. Hit'd sure git you if you was ter git ketched in there with er John-boat, wouldn't hit? Listen, ma'm! You kin hear hit a-roarin' like hit was mad, can't you?" But the older woman turned to face, again, the quiet reaches of The Bend.

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