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Mr Pecksniff and Mr Jinkins came home to dinner arm-in-arm; for the latter gentleman had made half-holiday on purpose; thus gaining an immense advantage over the youngest gentleman and the rest, whose time, as it perversely chanced, was all bespoke, until the evening.

But even then, even at that solemn moment, when the thrilling sounds may be presumed to have penetrated into the very depths of his nature, if he had any depths, Jinkins couldn't leave the youngest gentleman alone. He asked him distinctly, before the second song began as a personal favour too, mark the villain in that not to play. Yes; he said so; not to play.

Under these circumstances, when they had got him into bed for the thirtieth time or so, Mr Jinkins held him, while his companion went downstairs in search of Bailey junior, with whom he presently returned.

Jinkins consoled them both. They all consoled them. Everybody had something to say, except the youngest gentleman in company, who with a noble self-devotion did the heavy work, and held up Mr Pecksniff's head without being taken notice of by anybody. At last they gathered round, and agreed to carry him upstairs to bed.

He also began, as Mrs Todgers said, to slip home 'in his dinner-times, and to get away from 'the office' at unholy seasons; and twice, as he informed Mrs Todgers himself, he received anonymous letters, enclosing cards from Furniture Warehouses clearly the act of that ungentlemanly ruffian Jinkins; only he hadn't evidence enough to call him out upon.

She is rising hastily, when Mr Jinkins implores her, for all their sakes, not to stir; she looks too graceful and too lovely, he remarks, to be disturbed. She laughs, and yields, and fans herself, and drops her fan, and there is a rush to pick it up.

I do hope you'll think better of it; if on nobody else's account, on mine. 'There's Jinkins, said the youngest gentleman, moodily. 'Your favourite. He'll console you, and the gentlemen too, for the loss of twenty such as me. I'm not understood in this house. I never have been. 'Don't run away with that opinion, sir! cried Mrs Todgers, with a show of honest indignation.

"IF " "Well," said the widow, laughing outright this time, "WHEN I do, I hope I shall have as good a husband as you describe." "Jinkins, to wit," said Tom. "Lor, sir!" exclaimed the widow. "Oh, don't tell me," said Tom, "I know him." "I am sure nobody who knows him, knows anything bad of him," said the widow, bridling up at the mysterious air with which Tom had spoken. "Hem!" said Tom Smart.

'There's a comfort Howel will be to you now! said a fifth triumphantly. 'Deed to goodness, Griffey Jinkins was a saving man, and you have lost him, Mrs Jinkins, fach, began the friend with the gin and water; 'but I am seeing no use in takking on so. When John Jones died, he was leaving me with ten children, and they have all come on somehow. And you have only wan son, and he is so ginteel!

There was a general cry of 'Hear, hear! and 'Bravo Jink! when Mr Jinkins appeared with Charity on his arm; which became quite rapturous as Mr Gander followed, escorting Mercy, and Mr Pecksniff brought up the rear with Mrs Todgers. Then the presentations took place.