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"Well, they may do some match racing tomorrow, but to-day I think they will hold their time trials. They will race to see who can make the best time over the course," said Jiminy. "How fast can they go?" asked Ray Martin. "Oh, they can make a mile in half a minute.

"It's ha'f-seein' the pesky thing bobbin' an' balancn' behind the winkers gits on my nerves. Then the boss looked at the bit they'd sold with me, an' s' he: 'Jiminy Christmas! This 'u'd make a clothes-horse Stan' 'n end! Then he gave me a plain bar bit, an' fitted it's if there was some feelin' to my maouth." "Hain't ye got any, Miss Tedda?" said Tuck, who has a mouth like velvet, and knows it.

Jimmy summoned every ounce of his remaining strength and held the head of the unconscious man above the water. And when the spectators saw that he had actually made the rescue a cheer louder and longer than any that had greeted the racers rent the air. It was hard work and Jiminy was at the point of exhaustion, yet he tried his utmost to buckle the life belt about poor Dacy.

The first car will start in a moment," said Jiminy Gordon nervously. Every one was gazing down the beach, where a tiny black blotch on the sand marked the dozen or more racing cars held ready for the start. Then when every one was waiting tense and silent boom! came the muffled echo of the starting gun.

"Sure back yard," I said. "You think you can jolly me, don't you?" Pee-wee shouted. "You just keep on bailing," I said, "and don't stop. When the tide begins turning you won't have to bail so fast." Jiminy, Pee-wee didn't know what to think whether I was kidding him or not. "Why won't I?" he wanted to know. "Because it will be going the other way," I said, "see?

But he answered her loudly, so that lurking robbers might overhear: "I know a great big man over there, and he's a friend of mine; he's a brakie on the M. & D., and he lets me ride in the caboose any time I want to, and he's right behind us. More conversationally: "Aw, Jiminy! Gertie, don't cry! Please don't. I'll take care of you.

Ken, weary with good cause, sat down with a sigh, and then leaned forward as if an electric button had been touched somewhere about his person. "What well, by Jiminy!" shouted Ken. "I never believed it, never!" "It's real," Phil said excitedly; "it looks just like a real one." "What?" Kirk asked wildly; "tell me what!"

Her tongue was hung on ball-bearin' hinges and was a self-winder guaranteed to run an hour steady every time she set it goin'. Talk! my jiminy crimps, how that woman could talk! I couldn't get away; I tried to, but, my soul, she wouldn't let me. And, if 'twas a warm night, she'd more'n likely have a pitcher of lemonade or some sort of cold wash alongside, and I must stop and taste it.

Here was a little stretch of high ground that had been partly cleared by wind-falls and Bruce and Jiminy had selected it as an ideal location for the camp and site for the troop's future log cabin headquarters. With practically three patrols at work it did not take the lads long to clear away the underbrush and fallen logs in the open space.

I make bread-boards and rolling pins and shinny sticks and cats and little baskets out of cherry-stones.” “Jiminy crickets, he’s forgetting the boats,” Dicky burst in enthusiastically. “He makes the dandiest boats you ever saw in your life.” Maida looked at Arthur in awe. “I never heard anything like it! Can you make anything for girls?”